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Tag: Studies

G20 Summit 2023: A Reading of Motives, Opportunities, and Future Implications

Abeer Suhaim Mahdi - College of Political Science / University of Baghdad Ammar Hameed Yassin - College of Political Science / University of Baghdad Introduction: The major...

Al-Bayan Center launches the seventh issue of “Al-Bayan Observatory”

Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies launched the seventh issue of the “Al-Bayan Observatory” periodical, which specializes in monitoring issues and publications of the...

Libya’s 2023 Elections: Internal Obstacles and External Challenges

Ali Saadi Abdul-Zahra Jubair - Al-Nahrain University - College of Law Introduction: Ever since the fall of Moammar Gaddafi, Libya has been marred by a lack...

The creative economy and its importance in achieving sustainable development

Nozad Abdul Rahman Al-Hiti - Professor of Political Economy - Diplomatic Institute -  Qatar Summary: At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world witnessed steady developments...

State of the Arab Government Administration Report: Digital Transformation

Wafaa Fawzi - Researcher The features of government administration in the modern era are formed under the influence of several main trends with different factors,...

The social fragility in Iraq and its repercussions

Ahmed Khedair Hussein - Sociology researcher and academic. Introduction: Iraq suffers from a markedly social fragility problem, facing a growing state of social unrest and citizen-state...

Youth Employment Policies in Iraq: Community Bribery or Practical Need

Mustafa Al-Sarai - Department of Political Studies at the Bayan Center for Studies and Planning Hiam Ali Al-Marhaj - Department of Women's Studies at Al-Ban...

A brief knowledge of the stages of the electoral process in Iraq

Ali Hussein Sufih - Political advisor in the Department of Political Parties and Organizations Affairs. Introduction: Elections in all forms are one of the most important forms...

A new Middle East is being formed

Khaled Hashim - Researcher The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa) was not a promising economic-political diplomatic club, wanting a less dominant world for the...

Baghdad’s options in protecting Iraqi communities in the West: Sexual orientations as a model

Raed Shihab Ahmed - Professor of Political Science, Iraqi University Introduction The issue of homosexuality is not new, but its increasing spread may generate government reactions...

