Tags Studies

Tag: Studies

Unemployment in Iraq: between reality and the Priorities of the Ministerial Programme

Mohamed Abdel Saleh - Al-Nahrin University/Faculty of Business Economics Introduction: The process of development and economic growth requires concerted action by economic policies to optimize the...

Influence of Arab Forces on political forces in the Sudanese Crisis

Ali Saadi Abdul-Zahra - Teacher at the Faculty of Law/Al-Nahrin University Introduction: After the fall of Omar al-Bashir's rule, the military became divided between two armies,...

NATO Air Police and Operation Return to the Square

Dr. Atheer Nadhem Al-Jasour - Faculty of Political Science/Al-Mustansiriya University Summary: After the year (1989) the West-East conflict ended in theory or under what has been...

Electronic army concepts – electronic flies and the public opinion industry

Wafaa Fawzi - Researcher Introduction: Technology plays an important role in all aspects of our lives, it has revolutionized the way we communicate and work, the...

Social Security programs according to the preferences of workers in Iraq

Salam Jabbar Shihab, a researcher in political economy Summary: Although the size of the labor force in Iraq is between (6-7) million people in the private...

Iraq’s depleted energy capacity and expansion of its investment regionally and internationally

Dr. Abdul Samad Saadoun - professor of International economic relations A prelude: It is no secret to any of the researchers specializing in the study and...

Turkish elections: Their scenarios and impacts on Iraq

Omar Samir - Ph.D. student in political science at Istanbul University Hanin Saad al-Jubouri - master's student at Istanbul's Gresham University Introduction: The historical relations between Turkey...

Elections in Turkey: Contexts, Issues, and Scenarios

Peyman Eshaghi Turkey’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections will begin on May 14. The significance of this election is heightened by the fact that it...

Managing the Unemployment and Supporting the Economy in Iraq Through the Institutionally-regulated Emigration: Evidence...

Raed Ahmed, Ph.D. - Al-Iraqia University Introduction: It might be clear to most people that individuals leave their countries and seek a better life in other...

From political Islam to political Shiism

Ali Al-Madan - Iraqi writer and researcher Summary: This article presents, based on historical methodology, an analytical monitoring of the thinking of Iraqi Shiite Islamists in...

