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    Tag: Railways

    Iraq Development Road Project: Diplomatic Stakes with Strategic and geopolitical dimensions

     Faras Abbas Hashem - Basra University/Faculty of Law Introduction: At the outset, Iraq became aware of the need to develop new visions of ideas that would...

    Iraq’s development path promising development opportunities and major challenges

    Haider Nehme Bakhit - Faculty of Administration and Economics - University of Kufa Executive summary: The quality of the roads in Iraq and the transport sector...

    Prospects for economic relations between Iran and Iraq

    Ali Najat Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are intertwined in their security, political and regional dimensions, while economic and trade relations...

    Problems with the Egyptian transport sector (Egypt Railway as an example)

    Egypt Railway is the first railway to be built in Africa and the Middle East and the second worldwide after the United Kingdom, which...

    The War on International transportation Routes and Iraq’s Location

    Geography has played a leading role for thousands of years in determining the behavior of political units, the perceptions of leaders and communities of...