Tags Oil

Tag: oil

Improving Indicators of Financial Transparency and its Role in Expanding job opportunities in the...

Haneen Amer Ayeid Al-Qarghouli: researcher in international economic relations Financial transparency, which means the dissemination of information and data and ensuring their flow to combat...

The crisis of approving the 2022 budget in Iraq and its dimensions on development...

Dr. Wejdan Faleh Hassan executive summary: It is not possible to continue implementing the instructions of the federal budget for the year 2021 during the fiscal...

The Iraqi economy and opportunities to shift towards renewable or alternative energies

Although Iraq has the fifth-largest proven oil reserves, it is estimated that oil reserves will last for another 80-85 years in the country. In...

Prospects for achieving sustainable development goals

To consider the dimensions of future changes and their economic and social consequences concerning Iraq's ability to achieve sustainable development goals and targets, three...

Indicators of sustainable development goals in Iraq (2016 – 2020)

During the period 2016-2020, Iraq was able to achieve 6.5 on the Goals Progress Index. In 2016, Iraq achieved 56.6, ranking 118th out of...

Read in Iraq’s 2021 budget and its compatibility with the White Paper strategy

The Iraqi economy has been in dire need of significant structural reforms and changes in public finances after the triple crisis of political, economic,...

Economic reform in Iraq, the transition from perspective to impact assessment

Raafat Al-Baldawi: Researcher Specialist in Economic Affairs, Master of Finance Studies - University of Baghdad.          In Iraq, all those who are decision-makers, active politicians,...

Towards sustainable energy efficiency in Iraq

Iraq has faced a severe electricity crisis since 2003 and is expected to increase in the long term. Efforts to date have focused on...

Has Iraq Abandoned the Basra-Aqaba Pipeline?

The visit of King Abdullah II of Jordan to Baghdad in January 2019 was an important event and a step forward in the framework...

Oil Rations Conflict Between Iraq and Saudi Arabia: India as a Model for Import

According to the latest official statistics by the United Nations, India's population is around 1.39 billion, and by 2027 India is expected to overtake...

