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Tag: news

Seminar on domestic violence law in Iraq

Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning organized a seminar to present the results of a recent study by the center dealing with the issue...

Al-Bayan Center participates in series of discussions in Germany on economic reform

Al-Bayan Center participated in a week-long series of meetings and discussions in Germany hosted by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). The Iraqi...

Al-Bayan Center meets with European Union Assistance Mission (EUAM)

Al-Bayan Center hosted the political advisor to the European Union Assistance Mission (EUAM), Dr. Paolo Foradori, to discuss political developments in Iraq and the...

Al-Bayan Centre participates in a programme of economic and political dialogue in the Federal...

Within the framework of enhancing the external and influential role played by research and study centres, al-Bayan Centre for Planning and Studies participated in...

Al-Bayan Center discusses developments in Iraq with diplomatic missions

Al-Bayan Center hosted meetings with representatives from diplomatic missions in Iraq to exchange views about the ongoing developments and challenges in the country. The...

Seminar: The Gulf Arab States: Foreign and Economic Policy Models

As part of the 2019 series of events held at al-Bayan Centre for Planning and Studies, and recognising the importance of the Arab Gulf...

Seminar: The Role of Think-Tanks in Foreign Policy Decision-Making – lessons learned

As part of the Centre’s series of activities for the year 2019, and in recognition of the current importance of think-tanks, al-Bayan Centre for...

Al-Bayan Center participates in discussion on constitutional and legislative reform

Al-Bayan Center participated in an evening discussion hosted by the Spanish ambassador, Hansi Escobar, to discuss the challenges of constitutional and legislative reform in...

Al-Bayan Center participates in discussion at German embassy on budget reform

Al-Bayan Center was invited to attend a dinner at the German embassy in Baghdad to discuss the 2019 Federal Budget. The dinner was hosted by...

Al-Bayan Center hosts virtual exchange with Washington scholars

Al-Bayan Center hosted a virtual exchange with scholars from various think tanks in Washington, DC. Discussions focused on the challenges facing the new Iraqi government...

