Tags Iraq

Tag: iraq

Financial Technology in Iraq: Current Status and Future Prospects

Wafa Fawzi Introduction The post-war era in Iraq, characterized by the aftermath of conflicts and political instability, has presented a complex and challenging landscape for the...

Stumbling in Economic Reform Opportunities: An Analysis of the Impact of US Treasury Decisions...

Summary: - The measures taken by the US Treasury will hinder international efforts towards economic transformation in Iraq towards adopting a market economy system, making...

U.S. Sanctions: Special Pressures and Restriction of State Sovereignty

On January 22, 2024, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions that included Iraqi political and security figures, as well as Fly Baghdad airline, under...

Post-mediation Iraqi-Iranian-Saudi relations: A reading on regional balances and security

Mustafa al-Saray - Director of Political Studies at Al Bayan Center for planning and studies The Iranian–Saudi agreement on 10 March last year was a...

The Iraqi Dinar: Between Economic Oscillations and Political Deliberations

Hussein Sharif Naeem- Researcher Abstract: This research sheds light on the impact of political and economic events on the value of the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), leading...

The outcome of the provincial elections: The first foot is for those who master...

Abdul Aziz Aliwi Alissawi - An academic and researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. Introduction The simplest concept of politics for a first-stage student...

Analyzing Russia’s Involvement in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region’s Energy Sector

Bahrooz Jaafar holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Cyprus International University in Nicosia, and he is also the founder and head of the...

Digital Gap Analysis in Fragile Societies Affected by Conflicts and Wars

Wafa’a Fawzi Hamza - Researcher This report comprehensively explores the complex dynamics of digital inequality within fragile societies. The term “digital gap” refers to the...

Oil and gas sector in Iraq: reality and solutions

Ali Abd al-Rahim al-Abudi - Al-Nahrain University / College of Political Science - Department of Economic Relations Summary: Although Iraq is considered a major source of...

Post-election: (Notes that need pause)

Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud- Professor of Public Policy and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Political Science, Al-Nahrien University A prelude: Free and fair elections are a manifestation...

