Tags Iraq

Tag: iraq

When will Iraq legislate against domestic violence?

Jenan al-Jaberi: Advisor on social policies and the role of civil society organisations in Iraq. PhD in Social Policy from Bath University, UK. This article...

The Supreme Council for Combating Corruption: A Future Vision

By: Ghazwan Rafiq Awaid Introduction The idea of establishing a council of regulators to combat corruption is not a new invention for the anti-corruption system in...

Localizing Politics is the Way Forward in Iraq

The Iraqi Constitution provides a broad mandate for local governments to exercise a range of powers, except those that are exclusive to the federal...

A Sovereign Wealth Fund for Iraq

Once used by only a few countries around the world ,Sovereign Wealth Funds( SWF )are becoming an increasingly common feature of international finance†and state-led economic development...

Towards a National Strategy to Combat Corruption in Iraq

Vision The entrenchment of corruption in Iraq’s state institutions - resulting from the legacy of the former regime and the absence of social justice,...

Strategies toward a world-class higher education system

Iraq’s higher education system can play an important role in fostering long-term economic development, peace and stability if efficient reform and funding policy are...

Designing a Successful Approach to Public Financial Management Reform in Iraq

The path to recovery and reconstruction in post-conflict Iraq is fraught with pitfalls. The new government will need to tread carefully if it is...

Iranian Economy following the Withdrawal of the United States from the Nuclear Deal

As the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the overthrow of the monarchy in 1979 approaches, Iranians will...

Iraq Foreign Policy amidst Regional Interactions

Iraq foreign policy has been more balanced recently due to the new government attitudes towards the regional strategic environment, which has been affecting the...

Prospects for strategic partnership between Iraq and NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - is a strategic intergovernmental military alliance with considerable global leverage by virtue of its strategic strengths...

