Tags Iraq

Tag: iraq

Iran and America: A reading of the options for dealing with the election results...

Hameed Redha Al-Ibrahimi Since the outbreak of the October 2019 demonstrations in Iraq, the political map has witnessed a noticeable change. The first political transformation...

The reality of illiteracy in Iraq: Visions and Policies

Illiteracy in Iraq is a symptom of underdevelopment. It should be addressed with special attention, in which all material and human resources are making...

Iraq’s rank in the Legatum Prosperity Index 2020

The Index Legatum Prosperity is an annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute. The index rankings were launched in 2007 and are based on...

Legislative elections in Iraq for 2021: Analytical study

Legislative elections were held in Iraq on their scheduled date on 10/10/2021, the fifth legislative elections after 2005, and the first early parliamentary elections;...

The Iraqi economy and opportunities to shift towards renewable or alternative energies

Although Iraq has the fifth-largest proven oil reserves, it is estimated that oil reserves will last for another 80-85 years in the country. In...

Elections and the structure of the political system in Iraq… Actor and influencer controversy

Introduction It is self-evident that the democratic political system is formed by institutions on which the powers of the State are distributed through its...

Possible scenarios for Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISKP) and its future in Afghanistan

The Khorasan Province is one of the most prominent provinces and branches of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). The branch...

Iraq’s Parliamentary Elections 2021: The Harsh Lessons

The electoral race concluded with a large-scale boycott, and the surprises that occurred were evident among the specialists who know how to deal with...

(Path and Future) in the 2021 Iraqi election… Situation Assessment Paper

On 27th May 2021, Security Council resolution No.2576 renewed the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to strengthen the electoral...

Iraq’s Attempts to Return to the Regional Arena

Iraq is one of the first Arab and Islamic countries to gain independence after the First World War. Iraq has long been an important...

