Tags Human rights

Tag: Human rights

The Sixth Goal of Sustainable Development in Iraq: Reality and Remedies

Khudair Abbas Al-Dhulaimi / Researcher Introduction In the declaration of sustainable development in 2015, when the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the Sustainable...

Millennium Eunomia and Corruption Reduction Efforts

Emad Salah Al-Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policies / College of Political Science / Al-Nahrain University. Introduction: In the beginning, the sources of political philosophy...

The Phenomenon of Child Recruitment in International Conflicts

Muhammad Karim al-Khaqani - academic and researcher in political affairs Recruiting children is a phenomenon that deserves attention because it represents a flagrant violation of...

Iraqi women after 2003 (Violence’ Incentives, And Empowerment’s Barriers)

Lina Emad Al-Moussawi / Department of Women's Studies - Al-Bayan Center for Planning and studies In March, the international community celebrates women, tracking their most...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Social Capital Index 2020

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The Social Capital of a nation is the sum of social stability and the well-being (perceived or real) of the entire...

Iraq in the Global Governance Index 2020

The Governance Index (essentially a sub-indicator of the Sustainable Competitiveness Index) relies on the quantitative data series - i.e., not the qualitative assessment of...

Contemporary international law under current international changes

The fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war marked a major turning point in the conduct of international law...

