Tags Exchange Rate

Tag: Exchange Rate

The American Sanctions on Banks and Financial Companies and Their Effects on The Monetary...

Prof. Dr. Wejdan Falih Hasan / College of Political Science – University of Maysan. Years of wars and economic sanctions were precursors to making the...

Analysis of the dollar exchange rate gap and its reduction mechanisms

Imad Muhammad Ali Abdul Latif: Professor of Financial and Monetary Economics, Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad summary: 1. It is essential that the...

Political repercussions of the dollar exchange rate devaluation: winners and neutrals are close to...

Alaa Al-Hamdani- Iraqi researcher It seems that the decision of the Iraqi Council of ministers to approve the exchange rate reduction from (1450) to (1300)...

Financial Markets in Light of Financial Liberalization Policies and Their Impact on Iraq

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Ibrahim Shabib - Al-Maarif University College - Department of Banking and Financial Sciences. Abstract: The exchange rate policy in Iraq faces external...

Prospects for Economic Reform in Iraq

Dr. Muhannad Hamid Mahidi/University of Anbar. Executive Summary: There is shortsightedness in the Iraqi state, as its intervention in economic life through expansionary fiscal policy has...

Impact of high oil prices on Iraq’s 2021 budget

The general budget was approved by the Iraqi Council of Representatives late this year, it was voted on 31 March 2021 with an estimated...

Explanation of current exchange market trends in Iraq

The Economic Studies Section of AL-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning held a dialogue with the Prime Minister's Adviser on Finance the economy specialist...

Causes of Financial Dominance – Oil and its Effects on the Exchange Rate in...

The devaluation of the national currency is a measure resorted to by the Central Bank to achieve several economic goals. Foremost is improving the...

