Tags Elections

Tag: elections

Al-Bayan Center organizes a dialogue session on the mechanism of decision-making in provincial councils

Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning organized a workshop titled: "Decision-Making Mechanism in Provincial Councils: Opportunities and Challenges." The workshop was attended by representatives from...

Al-Bayan Center holds a panel discussion on the upcoming provincial councils

Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies held a dialogue session entitled "Governorate Councils: Long Wait and Suspended Hopes". The session hosted the former Speaker of...

One Year After Its Formation: Evaluating the Performance of al-Sudani’s Government in the Context...

Marwan Salem Al-Ali- University professor at the College of Political Science/University of Mosul, specializing in strategic affairs One of the main reasons for the failure...

Iraq’s governorate council elections and capacity to develop local economies:Challenges and hoped-for role

Wajdan Falih Hassn - Professors at Maysan University Summary: - The results of the elections produced a complex political reality in which it would be difficult...

The outcome of the provincial elections: The first foot is for those who master...

Abdul Aziz Aliwi Alissawi - An academic and researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. Introduction The simplest concept of politics for a first-stage student...

Right-wing populist parties and 2024 European Parliament elections: Opportunities and challenges

Khudair Abbas Al-Dahlaki- Researcher specializing in Shan European far-right forces Introduction The European Parliament is the largest and most important democratic legislature for the representatives of...

Post-election: (Notes that need pause)

Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud- Professor of Public Policy and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Political Science, Al-Nahrien University A prelude: Free and fair elections are a manifestation...

Libya’s 2023 Elections: Internal Obstacles and External Challenges

Ali Saadi Abdul-Zahra Jubair - Al-Nahrain University - College of Law Introduction: Ever since the fall of Moammar Gaddafi, Libya has been marred by a lack...

Political change and Iraqi national identity: Research on the constitutional trends before and after...

Abdel Adhim Jabr Hafedh - Professor of Political Systems and Public Policy at the Faculty of Political Science / Al-Nahrien University. Introduction: National identity is an advanced...

Political parties in Iraq: Labor when it ends

Haidar Abdul Murshid - Researcher Introduction: Talk about the centrality of parties in political work in the modern state may be unmeaning, and in democracies in...

