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    Tag: economic relations

    Chinese-Saudi relations: Strategic vision and mutual benefits

    Mustafa AlDarraji - researcher China's interest in the Middle East is recent compared to the major powers, with the first Chinese diplomatic relations with the...

    Jordan in the Iraqi strategic vision

    Abdullah Nahed Abbas-researcher Introduction  Perhaps the relations between the two neighboring countries Iraq and Jordan are among the most confused relations, as there are many commonalities...

    British Approach in Iraq

    Past Relationships Britain has realized the strategic importance of Iraq since the beginning of the 17th century, the history of relations between Iraq and Britain...

    Chinese ambassador writes for Al Bayan: Belt and Road Initiative and China-Iraq relations

    Cui Wei-ambassador of the Republic of China to Baghdad In this past period since my arrival in Iraq, I have met with many governments, Parties,...

    France’s Approach in Iraq

    In general, the history of the relations between Mesopotamia and ancient France should be searched in the civilizational connections of the two regions in...

    Russia’s goals and approach to Iraq

    Soviet-Iraqi relations were established on September 9, 1944, severed in 1955, and rebuilt in July 1958. Cooperation between the two countries, despite some ups...