Tags Development

Tag: development

Iraq’s depleted energy capacity and expansion of its investment regionally and internationally

Dr. Abdul Samad Saadoun - professor of International economic relations A prelude: It is no secret to any of the researchers specializing in the study and...

Managing the Unemployment and Supporting the Economy in Iraq Through the Institutionally-regulated Emigration: Evidence...

Raed Ahmed, Ph.D. - Al-Iraqia University Introduction: It might be clear to most people that individuals leave their countries and seek a better life in other...

Funding Small Projects in Iraq in Light of the Small Income-Generating Projects Support Law...

Dr. Salam Jabbar Shihab: Researcher in Political Economy Dr. Ali Abdulrahim Al-Aboudi: Ph.D. in Political Economy Summary:  There is a need to unify the efforts of financing...

The Russian-Ukrainian Crisis and its international impact on the “Middle East and North Africa...

Hussein Al-Tayy: Political researcher The Russian invasion of Ukraine affects the MENA region in three key fields: Political negotiations, military action, humanitarian assistance and food...

The window for selling foreign currency in Iraq between response and necessity

Ali Abdul Rahim al-Aboudi is a researcher specializing in political economy Synopsis: The reliance of Iraqi decision-makers on a single function to sell hard currencies according...

Strategic dimensions of Gulf-Japan relations: Towards an effective relationship between Baghdad and Tokyo

Dr. Hadi mashaan Rabie- college of law and political science - Anbar University The first axis: the motives of the strategic partnership between the Gulf...

Health sector gaps in Iraq (Basra as an example)

Dr. Dargham Al-ajoudi-administrative deputy governor of Basra Introduction Basra is an important part of Iraq, what it suffers from gaps in the health sector is a...

The role of the profits curve-recession inflation relationship in Iraq’s economy: U.S. Treasury bonds...

Ali Abdul Kadhim Daadoush - Ph.D. in the Economics/University of Baghdad Executive summary Government funds in Iraq make up more than (90%) of the available, Therefore...

Baghdad and Trilogy (Meloni, Macron, Lavrov)

Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policy/Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Court Political Issues/Al-Nahrin University. Has the need-to-gas season started? Introduction: Since the 1960s and...

The role of international and regional economic organizations in supporting the reforms of the...

Ali Abdul Rahim al-Aboudi - a researcher specializing in international economic relations Executive summary Iraq needs technical cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank more than...

