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    Tag: climate

    Iraq’s climate advocacy policies: reality and ambition

    Marwan Mohamed Abboud - researcher in international relations Introduction: Global reports on climate change suggest that the world is at a critical stage in human history...

    Iraq’s water supply dilemma and demand management problem

    Salam Jabbar Shehab - researcher Executive summary: The enormous complexities surrounding the water sector will lead to a significant decline and a major crisis in the...

    The Dilemma of environmental pollution: Causes and Confrontation Options

    Ahmed Khudair Hussein, Department of Social Studies, Al Bayan Center for Studies and Planning Background: The dilemma of environmental pollution is associated with the misuse and...

    Turkey and Iraq: a vision towards the Problems of integrated water management

    Mohammed Munther Jalal - Iraqi University, Faculty of Law and Political Science. Submission Relations between Turkey and Iraq have long-standing roots. Perhaps today's participants are more...

    Water scarcity in Iraq. Irrational calculations and compound pressures

    Ali Faris Hameed - Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Al-Nahrin University. Introduction Topics related to the search for scarcity continue to represent the...

    Iraq’s depleted energy capacity and expansion of its investment regionally and internationally

    Dr. Abdul Samad Saadoun - professor of International economic relations A prelude: It is no secret to any of the researchers specializing in the study and...

    Health sector gaps in Iraq (Basra as an example)

    Dr. Dargham Al-ajoudi-administrative deputy governor of Basra Introduction Basra is an important part of Iraq, what it suffers from gaps in the health sector is a...

    Water Resources: Problems and Solutions

    Ahmad Natiq Al-Alusi - Head Engineer at the Ministry of Water Resources - Water Research. Water is an important essential element of life, no life...


    Harry H. Istepanian - Noam Raydan Reviewed by: Dr Luay Al-Khatteeb Executive Summary As Iraq grapples with increasing environmental challenges as a result of climate change, including...

    Dynamic shifts in the global energy market and their impact on oil-rent countries (Iraq)

    Mohannad Ahmed Faraj / Imam Al-Kadhum University College. Several signs indicate that the global energy system has begun a process of transformation from total dependence...