Tags Budget

Tag: budget

Fragile federal budget and contradictions in achieving sustainable development in Iraq

The persistence of the same problems in the absence of fiscal reforms and the inability to address and confront administrative and financial corruption will...

Read in Iraq’s 2021 budget and its compatibility with the White Paper strategy

The Iraqi economy has been in dire need of significant structural reforms and changes in public finances after the triple crisis of political, economic,...

The debate over Iraqi Kurdistan’s share of the federal budget

Ahmed Tabaqchali Introduction The current debate over the interpretation of the 2019 budget that governs the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) share of the federal budget in...

Understanding Iraq’s debt: An overview of its status, outlook and origins

Iraq’s massive needs for reconstruction, after more than 35 years of conflict,  cannot be met by current revenues from its considerable hydrocarbon resources alone,...

Planning for the 2016 budget in iraq

As the final quarter of the year approaches the Budget Office in the Finance Ministry is preparing the framework document which the final budget...

The Increasing Budget Deficit in Iraq

The fall in oil prices in the second half of 2014 came as a surprise to the Iraqi government and this led to several...

