Education and Society

The Intellectual Capital Index measures the cost of spending to research and development to start a business, spending on education (% of GDP), number of secondary school dropouts, high-tech exports, number of high school education enrollments, new business registrations...
This paper highlights the violations that women candidates in the Iraqi elections are subjected to while carrying out their propaganda campaigns, and the accompanying campaigns of defamation and discrimination against them, represented in fabricated images, tearing up posters, slander,...
Illiteracy in Iraq is a symptom of underdevelopment. It should be addressed with special attention, in which all material and human resources are making efforts in this area, particularly as it has taken on strategic dimensions that are affected...
The information development and the steady progress in digital sciences that the world witnessed at the end of the last century have affected the information revolution in the developments and events of political and social arenas and on the...
Iraq is experiencing a progressive rise in the proportion of unemployed, especially among young university graduates and holders of higher degrees, which continues to have a growing negative impact on young people between the ages of 15 and 30....
Cultural and educational realities in Governments and political systems are no secret to the fact that translation is an important area that plays an essential role in cultural exchange and cultural interaction among peoples. Cultural exchange and cultural interaction...
The Global Crime Index Annual Report 2021, covering the first half of 2021, published by the Encyclopedia of the World Database "Numbeo", one of the world's largest and most popular Internet databases, and is concerned with assessing the level...
A law regulating employment and investment in the educational sector was introduced after 2003. Nevertheless, there seems to be an absence of strategy, vision, and perception in dealing with the privatization of the educational sector and its investors and...
The education system in various countries of the world operates in different forms and different ways. In recent years, this training has been linked to the Internet and digital systems. The share of electronic and digital activities in education...
More than 194 million people around the world are addicted to drugs, andabout 40 million people are addicted to (khat), mostly in Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Kenya, the drugs crisis does not stop on its direct effects on...

