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    Governance, constitution and law

    Early elections: Challenges of transition to multi-constituency

    The upcoming legislative elections, which are expected to take place on 10 October 2021, are the most difficult to expect because they will be held under a new electoral law that divides the provinces into multiple constituencies that have never been applied in Iraq, It is also very important...

    October election… What if it runs on incomplete terms?

    The government is working with determination to hold elections by the deadline of 10 October 2021, as a basic commitment, and the President of the Republic publicly supports this trend through multiple statements, and some political forces have already started campaigning. The question now is, what if the elections are...

    Reading in the Environmental Protection and Improvement Act No. 27 of 2009

    The establishment of protected areas is a global approach that supports nature conservation and is found in all countries of the world inland and marine areas. Conservation of nature is essential for the future of humanity by ensuring the continued existence of biodiversity that supports human life. Well-managed and...

    The potential of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to revive Iraq

    The economic challenges facing Iraq have accumulated in recent years, leading to an economic crisis that has left Iraq in need of cash liquidity other than those provided by oil sales, especially in the face of unstable oil prices, the search for non-oil liquidity leads to the opening of...

    Confusion and discord. Understanding the failures of Iraq’s decentralized government project

    By most measures, Iraq's experience in decentralization has been very disappointing. The delegation of authority to local constituencies that officially began in 2015 has not resulted in any significant improvements in the delivery of services at the local level, or in a clear change in central governance. By examining...

    Administrative decentralization in Iraq and its problems

    The purpose of this paper is to research regional development planning, within the legal framework of the management decentralization approach, which is rightly one of the primary and essential conditions for the implementation and success of such planning. Governments in many countries of the developing world increased their role...

    Sectarian rhetoric for elections in disputed areas

    While it is recognized that the Iraqi Constitution, the Parties Act and all other laws relating to the electoral process attend and prevent sectarian speech in all its forms, the situation in Kirkuk has been and continues to be affected by sectarian speech for 17 years. Elections are only...

    Addressing the boycott of Iraqi elections

    Participation ratios are falling further from previous electoral entitlements in Iraq, which gives an indication that there is dissatisfaction on the part of most voters, who seek to punish politicians through boycotting the elections, believing that boycotting the electoral process would deprive candidates of winning or rising to the...

    Strategic Overview of Anti-Corruption

    A new book was issued by Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies entitled: “Strategic Overview of Anti-corruption” by Firas Tariq Makiya. The book includes a vision of the most critical corruption indicators, its causes in Iraq, and the essential global experiences to combat it. The author proposes an integrated strategy...

    Constitutional reading in the government formation mechanisms of the 2005 Constitution of Iraq

    The peaceful circulation of power is the most prominent standard of the democratic system and its achievements. The stability of the political system is measured by how smooth is the mechanisms of elections. Such smoothness is complicated in transition, particularly in States emerging from dictatorship; Because of the persistence...