TOPICS Page 63


The fall in oil prices in the second half of 2014 came as a surprise to the Iraqi government and this led to several revisions of the budget. Several challenges were posed to the economy, given the reliance on...
The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visits Washington on 14th April, 2015. The visit comes, which is the first official visit to the United States, under difficult conditions experienced by Iraq and the entire region is in serious security,...
The recent negotiations between P5+1 and Iran were conducted at an accelerated and optimistic pace. Both engaged parties entered into expectant stages so as to reach a compromise after years of stagnated negotiations, which was brokered by the framework...
To mark the Persian New Year of Nowruz, President Obama released a video greeting to the Iranian people. “For decades, our nations have been separated by mistrust and fear,” he said. “Now it is early spring. We have a chance—a...

