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    Iraqi Women: Fears of a New Economic Crisis

    The current policies may cause an economic crisis equal to what happened in Lebanon after the sharp drop in oil prices, the budget deficit, and the delay in paying salaries. The current government has been working on immediate economic reform to push the financial crisis for some time. It has...

    Iraq Solar Energy: From Dawn to Dusk

    Iraq is facing multiple challenges for harnessing the indigenous energy resources and devising rational energy policy. The recent dramatic fall of oil prices, Iraq’s economic and politicalIraq is facing multiple challenges for harnessing the indigenous energy resources and devising rational energy policy. The recent dramatic fall of oil prices,...

    Has Iraq Abandoned the Basra-Aqaba Pipeline?

    The visit of King Abdullah II of Jordan to Baghdad in January 2019 was an important event and a step forward in the framework of attempts to break the ice on relations between the two neighboring countries, and the first visit of an Arab king to Baghdad after the...

    The Strategic Dialogue between Iraq and the US: Inevitable Questions

    Summary On June 10, 2020, the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States began at the level of technicians and experts, and it will end in August at a summit between the Iraqi Prime Minister and the US President. The strategic dialogue between the two nations is essential for several reasons: timing, the economic...

    Oil Rations Conflict Between Iraq and Saudi Arabia: India as a Model for Import

    According to the latest official statistics by the United Nations, India's population is around 1.39 billion, and by 2027 India is expected to overtake China to become the country with the largest population in the world. The working and middle classes will increase the growing demand for India's energy...

    What does Iran do in the Caribbean?

     News is coming quickly about the five Iranian tankers loaded with high-octane gasoline headed towards the Venezuelan coast, Tehran’s trusted ally in Latin America, foretelling a new crisis between Iran and Venezuela and the United States of America on the other. Iran shipped the tankers Faxon, Clavel, Petunia, Forest,...

    An Iraqi insight of the upcoming Iraqi-American strategic dialogue

    The United States of America called on Iraq for “a strategic dialogue". With no doubt the United States has an interest in Iraq, which may vary from an American administration to another, from time to time, but it does not exceed the fact that Iraq is important to the...

    Will the Region Soon Witness Renewed Kurdish in-Fighting?

    Will the region soon witness renewed Kurdish in-fighting as a result of the recent incursions by Turkey? The recent airstrikes by Turkish warplanes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in the Zeni Warte area coincided with the Kurdistan regional government's deployment of Peshmerga forces to this area. Zeni Warte, which...

    The Iraqi Disease and the Aging of the State

    Dr. Mazen Al Aboudi, Ph.D. Geology – Expert at Alnajah Center For Training & Development. Everyone might agree on describing the Iraqi economy as a rentier economy (The first man to use the term rentier economy as a form of financial return is Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of...

    The Implications of the Coronavirus on the Overall Situation in Iraq

    With the spread of the coronavirus globally, many countries around the world face several challenges in the absence of any looming solutions so far. Economies are the most affected by this virus that led to restrict the movement and the freedom of travel between countries, limit the transport of...