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    Evolution of international conflict in line with technological progress and the emergence of asymmetric wars

    The causes of war have been numerous since the age of history, and human beings have invented lethal weapons with multiple and changing methods and tactics of combat, which have evolved with the evolution of mankind's civilization, from the ice age, cretaceous, and stone ages to the modern era,...

    Climate refugees between international responsibility and environmental risks

    The issues of climate change displacement have grown in recent years, and the identification and protection of those affected are still insufficient. Desertification, drought, hurricanes, floods, and other violent climate changes have steadily increased as a precursor to climate change, part of which occurs naturally as an environmental balance,...

    Towards sustainable energy efficiency in Iraq

    Iraq has faced a severe electricity crisis since 2003 and is expected to increase in the long term. Efforts to date have focused on the supply side, neglecting the equally important aspect of improving energy efficiency on the demand side. Technical and commercial losses exceed 50% of the power...

    The War on International transportation Routes and Iraq’s Location

    Geography has played a leading role for thousands of years in determining the behavior of political units, the perceptions of leaders and communities of the role that their "state" should play, and the place that their society should take in relation to other political units and societies, both in...

    Future of the Omani-Iranian agreement about the Strait of Hormuz

    Mohammed Karim Jabbar Al-Khakani: Academic and political researcher. Marwan Muhammad Al-Tayra: Political researcher.          The Strait of Hormuz is of great importance in international trade, shipping, and oil transport. It is located in the Arabian Gulf region. It is the focal point connecting the Gulf to and from the Indian Ocean...

    Early elections in Iraq.. Challenges and Pathways

    The early elections are back to light again after Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's call to set a date to hold the elections. Al-Kadhimi had previously included among holding elections among his priorities in the brief ministerial curriculum. This is a response to the demand of the protests movement that...

    The Anti-Domestic Violence Bill on the Voting Table

    Tuqa Abdul Rahim: Researcher and Civic Activist. Iraqi society has been suffering for decades from the expansion of violence in general.  We see it within the Iraqi family between the spouses through killing, burning, hanging, beating, verbal or sexual violence, or threatening children, and, in some cases, extortion. The circle...

    The Gulf-Iranian Conflict after the Israel-UAE Normalization

    Mohammed Kareem Al-Khaqani: Academic and researcher in political affairs. Marwan Mohammed Al-Tayyara: Researcher in political affairs. For many years, Israel was the first enemy of the Arab countries in general and to the Gulf states in particular. The periods of the Arab-Israeli conflict witnessed the participation of the Gulf states as...

    Towards Sustainable Energy Efficiency in Iraq

    Iraq has been facing a severe power crisis since 2003 and is projected to surge in the long run. Efforts so far had been focusing on the supply side, while neglecting an equally important aspect of improving the energy efficiency on the demand side. The technical and commercial losses...

    ISIS and its impact on Iraq: an overview

    Since the formation of the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" or "ISIS" in 2013, Iraq has become the preferred arena for the group's militants. Despite the fact that the group's expansion in Iraq subsided recently and in spite of Iraq's victory over the group in 2017, the...