Throughout history, financial crises have been met with innovative reform plans that help develop the resilience of a country’s economic system, except when it comes to Iraq. All major oil producing countries have developed sovereign wealth funds to help mitigate the effects of potential price drops on their economies,...
The multiple aspects of economic shocks lead to the process of draining the economic resources available to countries, particularly those with Rent Economy, which are the most politically, economically, and socially vulnerable economies, sometimes generating large fiscal deficits or intensifying public debt and major concerns about oil revenue collection;...
Those who do not understand or cannot understand history; will not understand the present, and those who deny the facts of history; are in denial of reality; Even if they don't say so. Ibn Khaldun says: “History on its face is nothing more than news, but at the heart...
The fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war marked a major turning point in the conduct of international law and international relations. After the sovereignty of an international order reversed the prevailing balance of power created by the Second World War and its controls...
Epidemics since old - plague, smallpox, malaria, cholera, Spanish influenza, have affected civilizations; Many of them have had major repercussions on societies, beginning with a large number of deaths they have left, to make human beings think more deeply about human existence. After humanity (particularly the developed countries) took...
Iraq has taken unprecedented measures against the backdrop of the outbreak of COVID-19, aimed at reducing the movement of people and preventing the rapid spread of the epidemic: Quarantine operated by more than 90 countries, closure of schools and universities, and public spaces such as restaurants, shopping malls, preventing...
Diplomacy is defined as the art of reaching international goals and interests by peaceful means. This definition refers to the axioms of the logical thought of the term, but to reach a full understanding of what is called diplomacy, we have to dwell a bit on the pages of...
Raafat Al-Baldawi: Researcher Specialist in Economic Affairs, Master of Finance Studies - University of Baghdad.
In Iraq, all those who are decision-makers, active politicians, and specialists in various economic fields speak of economic reform as one of the lifeguards of the economy. In fact, none of the successive Governments...
The causes of war have been numerous since the age of history, and human beings have invented lethal weapons with multiple and changing methods and tactics of combat, which have evolved with the evolution of mankind's civilization, from the ice age, cretaceous, and stone ages to the modern era,...
The issues of climate change displacement have grown in recent years, and the identification and protection of those affected are still insufficient. Desertification, drought, hurricanes, floods, and other violent climate changes have steadily increased as a precursor to climate change, part of which occurs naturally as an environmental balance,...