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    Challenges Facing Majority Government

    Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr launched a speech on May 15, 2022, in which he revealed the failure of the attempt to form a majority government. The Sadrist project, included the Sovereignty coalition (also known as Al-Siyada coalition) representing the Sunni component, alongside the Kurdistan Democratic Party representing the Kurdish component. Al-Sadr...

    The Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council: (The premature creation, and tasks that require wisdom)

    Emad Salah Al-Sheikh Daoud / Professor of Public Policy and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Court of Political Issues. Introduction On April 7, 2022, Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi issued his presidential declaration dismissing his deputy, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, and transferring power to a presidential council composed of eight...

    The Alliance of Civilizations: Soft Power in Qatar’s Politics

    Dr. Mufeed Al-Zaidi / Professor of Gulf Studies - University of Baghdad The State of Qatar did not have a distinct political or economic position in the Gulf or the Arab region. Until Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (1995-2013) came to power in 1995, Doha witnessed rapid changes in...

    Reactions on The Iranian Twitter Platform About Iraq

    Muhammad Rahbari is an academic, researcher, and doctoral student in sociology (Ph.D. candidate in Political Sociology) at Allameh Tabataba’i University Hadi Sefri is an academic, social media analyst, and master’s student at the University of Tehran. What were the reactions of the Twitter users in Iran towards Iraq in the past year? The rapprochement...

    Japan’s foreign policy approach to Iraq

    Japan soon turned its attention to the Middle East. The first Japanese official probably visited Iraq in 1880.  But diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1939, and in 1939 Japan opened its embassy in Baghdad. The exchange of Ambassadors between the two countries in January 1960, the...

    Shifts in The Sunni Arena, Scenarios for The Change in The Political Map

    Introduction The Sunni political arena has witnessed rapid developments in the past weeks, after the return of the former political figures -who were wanted by the law- (Rafi al-Issawi and Ali Hatem al-Suleiman) to the Anbar Governorate; In a move that was understood as an attempt to limit the role...

    The Role of Knowledge Transformations in the Development of the Knowledge Economy: A Reading of international Practices on the Iraqi Economy

    Omnia Bassem Sa`adi / researcher  Executive Summary: The knowledge economy gives the consumer greater confidence, a wide variety of choices, achieves electronic exchange, changes old jobs by creating new ones, disseminates and produces knowledge in many areas, forcing institutions to innovate and create, and respond quickly to customers' needs. Lack of interest...

    Critical Policies… The Repercussions of the Ukrainian Crisis on Syria, The Perspective of Threat – Opportunity

    Aqeel Saeed Mahfoud Syria was almost the only country that declared its support for the Russian “military operation” in Ukraine, since its first day, while the Syrian opposition called on the West to respond to Russia in Syria, and asked it for support with money and weapons against Damascus. A...

    Candidates’ Speech Analysis About the French Presidential Elections After the Announcement of the Final Results

    Khudair Abbas Al-Dahlaki/researcher in the affairs of the extreme right/student in the Ph.D. program in public policies/Al-Nahrain University. On the eve of the French presidential elections’ vote counting; Emmanuel Macron has been re-elected as France's president for a second five-year term, defeating his rival, Marine Le Pen, who scored the...

    Digitization of the Health System in Iraq

    Wafaa Fawzy Hamza / Researcher The increasing growth of the population in Iraq - which exceeded 40 million people - was accompanied by the failure to develop medical health institutions in a way that suits this increase. The weak infrastructure of these institutions and the spread of corruption in their...