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    Iraq in the Social Progress Index

    Ahmed Khudair Hussein - Director of the Social Studies Department at the Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies. The Social Progress Index provides a results-based measure of a country's well-being independent of economic indicators. It was first issued in 2013 to provide a comprehensive tool for measuring countries' performance, stimulating...

    Towards an Effective National Employment Policy in Iraq: a reading of employment policies

    Dr. Hussein Ahmed Al-Sarhan - Center for Strategic Studies - University of Karbala. Executive summary: The essence of the work is not to absorb the increasing number of workers according to familiar policies and plans, but rather the procedures must be part of a new economic vision and a...

    Determining The Nature of Threats in ISIS Sectors Inside Iraq Between the Years (2021-2022)

    Shaheen Fawzy- Researcher specializing in counter-terrorism affairs This paper attempts to prepare an analytical tool to assess the nature of the threats that ISIS is trying to impose inside Iraqi territory, especially after the alarming increase in its operational activities and levels recently. The increase in these activities indicates a...

    Millennium Eunomia and Corruption Reduction Efforts

    Emad Salah Al-Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policies / College of Political Science / Al-Nahrain University. Introduction: In the beginning, the sources of political philosophy and ancient political thought told us about the knowledge of the people of the antiquity of advanced types of participatory governance and law enforcement methods....

    Elections and Public Legitimacy: Democratic Mechanisms Undermined by the Conflict in Iraq

    Dr. Adnan Sobeeh Thamer - Researcher in Anthropology The crisis that the Iraqis experienced on August 29, 2022, and the armed fighting that lasted twenty-four hours after a series of events and rhetorical conflict, reached its climax 10 months ago. The theme of that conflict lies between those who claim...

    Post-Oil… Repercussions of The Iraqi Economy

    Mustafa Al-Saray - researcher in political affairs. There is a dialectical relationship between politics and oil, especially in the countries of the Middle East that depend on hydrocarbons. Until the oil factor became one of the most important and influential variables in formulating the general policies of these countries. In...

    The Evolution of The Debt Trajectory in Iraq According to The Current Economic Performance

    Diana Hashem Jassim - MBA in Business Economics. Executive Summary: The real unplanned deficit in Iraq increased after the collapse of oil prices in 2015, which led to a rise in internal and external indebtedness. Iraq should negotiate again to reschedule its foreign debts, especially the hateful debts, which were used for...

    Political Crisis in Iraq: Is There Any Future Solutions on The Horizon?

    Dr. Nour Ali Saqib - Ph.D. in International Relations and Foreign Policy, is a teaching staff in the Law Department, Al-Hadi University College. Today, Iraq is going through serious internal political crises that threaten the entire political system and civil peace. Among the biggest of these crises is the government...

    The Mixed Electoral System and The Chances of Its Implementation in Iraq

    Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi/ researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. The mixed electoral system appeared after some countries resorted to mixing the two systems of majority and proportional representation; To take advantage of the positives of the two systems, and avoid the negatives, and achieved relative success in several...

    The Public and Hidden Prospects of “The Partnership for Infrastructure and Global Investment”

    The 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is one of the most important plans that seek to save the world from the deterioration that it suffered in the wake of the Industrial Revolution, and the two world wars witnessed by the twentieth century that differed in their methods from all...