Regional and international affairs

Abdullah Nahed / researcher in international and strategic relations Ahmed Haider / researcher in international and strategic relations Perhaps the Iranian nuclear program is among the most complex issues in the Middle East, and it may even reach a global level....
Ali Najat Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are intertwined in their security, political and regional dimensions, while economic and trade relations are among the areas that bring the two neighboring countries together. Iraq became Iran’s most...
Hamid Redha Al-Ibrahimi For a while, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has been seeking to fill the role of mediator, and to open a closed channel of dialogue between Riyadh and Tehran; In order to ease the tension in the region,...
Ali Najat The painful experiences of wars and conflicts during the past decade prompted the actors in the Middle East to reduce tensions and neutralize crises as much as possible, and to find a formula for dialogue. After a decade...
Khudair Abbas Al-Dahlaki Far-right political parties and forces have been investing in crises to promote their racist ideas and attracting important segments of European societies (check Annex No.1) and focusing on the youth age group, as well as carrying out...
Russia and Iran are among the most important actors of the Syrian war, two supportive allies of President Bashar al-Assad's regime, and the two main actors he was able to rely on in the war, and perhaps - of...
Introduction The fall of the Afghan State and the way Iran deals with its data have created various assumptions and possibilities at the level of experts and followers in the Middle East, which is one of the countries with the...
The Khorasan Province is one of the most prominent provinces and branches of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). The branch of the Islamic State in Afghanistan, known as the Islamic State – Khorasan, is the...
The beginnings of the Franco-Australian agreement on advanced nuclear submarines date back to 2016 when both states concluded an agreement to build a new fleet of 12 nuclear submarines in a total deal worth $65 billion by the French...
Iraq is one of the first Arab and Islamic countries to gain independence after the First World War. Iraq has long been an important participant in the Middle East and has played an important role in shaping rhetoric and...

