Regional and international affairs

Muhammad Rahbari is an academic, researcher and doctoral student in sociology (PhD candidate in Political Sociology) at Allameh Tabataba'i University Hadi Sefri is an academic, social media analyst, and master's student at the University of Tehran. Introduction: Digital footprints such as liking,...
Ali Abdel Rahim Al-Aboudi / researcher in political economy Executive Summary: The sanctions against Russia that the United States and the European Union have already taken on the energy sector will result in a global crisis and a shortage of oil...
Pakistan-Iraq relations in the past Following Pakistan’s independence from India in 1947, Iraq has been the first Arab country to recognize Pakistan and support it in the Bengal crisis.  Bilateral relations between Iraq and Pakistan, as a result of their...
Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi/ researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. The sudden Russian attack on Ukraine (although it was the most dangerous it has faced since World War II), but it does not represent the first crisis to strike...
Aqil Saeed Mahfoudh / researcher and academic The international envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, said that the main parties to the Syrian war “feel the need to test something new,” and that they are “ready to engage” in the “step-by-step”...
Dr. Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi / researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies The sudden Russian attack on Ukraine (although it was the most dangerous it has faced since World War II), but it does not represent the first crisis...
Omar Sami / a writer and researcher in political science. The Egyptian-Iraqi relations were proceeding distinctly at all levels, until the second Gulf War in 1991, and with the remnants of the skirmishes between the two projects (the Nasserist and...
Ahmed Haidar is a researcher in international and strategic relations.          Safeguards play an important role in international relations, and they mean the obligation of a state to perform what is required of other international rights. Safeguards in the international...
Ahmed Khalil Artemty / researcher on Russian affairs Emad Al-Sheikh Daoud / researcher in the field of public policy The Kazakh protests escalated as the world entered the year 2022 until they became the focus of attention on all T.V. channels...
Aqeel Saeed Mahfouz Syrians, or a large portion of them, consider federalism as if it is “interference other countries” in the affairs of their country, and part of an “international perspective” for dealing with the Syrian event; It is not...

