Regional and international affairs

Cui Wei-ambassador of the Republic of China to Baghdad In this past period since my arrival in Iraq, I have met with many governments, Parties, Parliamentary, Iraqi media, and other figures in various circles, and I felt that Iraqis are...
Dr. Muhammad Armin Karbet - a researcher on "Israeli" political affairs. Although the results that emerged after the elections in "Israel" are not an exceptional event, unprecedented in the regional and global scene, especially those policies that rely on identification, such as the victory...
Ahmed Matar Mohammed - Second Secretary Introduction Crises create opportunities and threats, but they are two faces of the same coin called the crises, and if you don’t make good use of the opportunity and employ it, it may turn into...
Dr. Imad Rzeik Omar - College of Law and Political Science, Anbar University The assassination of Shinzo Abe came as a tragic event that Japan experienced ahead of the legislative elections, and with it lost one of the most important...
Dr. Abdullah Nahedh- researcher Introduction inspired by history The former British prime minister “ Anthony Eden” in his journals that Iraqi prime minister in the royal era “ Nouri al-Saeed”, and during the crisis between the former Egyptian prime minister “...
Firas Elias – Researcher Introduction: The year 1979 constituted a remarkable development in the history of the modern Iranian state, which was represented by the establishment of the Islamic Republic, and it can be said that it represented a new type...
Introduction The use of the concept of sports diplomacy has increased in the past two decades, and it has come to occupy a place within the evolving world of public diplomacy; To form a basis for building long-term relations between...
Ahmed Khalil Artemty - researcher in Russian affairs. International actors are joining forces to delineate a new world order with a multi-concept in light of the current global developments and events, especially after the Russian-Ukrainian war. The countries that have...
Muthanna Faiq Marei - Professor of Political Science and International Studies at the College of Political Science - University of Tikrit There is no doubt that the idea of international gatherings and forums is not a new idea to strengthen...
After the independence of Iraq, relations between the country and Turkey (with 367 kilometers of the common land border) experienced ups and downs and various developments. Differences and cooperation between Iraq and Turkey have always existed after the First...

