Regional and international affairs

Peyman Eshaghi Turkey’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections will begin on May 14. The significance of this election is heightened by the fact that it will take place in the centennial year of the Republic of Turkey’s founding and that...
Zeina Malik Araibi - Researcher Introduction  In recent decades, technology has become one of the most important tools for the development and advancement of nations. The centrality of this role is due not only to the fact that technology is no...
Dr. Hind Juma Ali - teaching at the Institute of Management in Rusafa Introduction The West African region and the Sahel are an arena for competition for influence and dominance between Russia and France, in light of many elements and determinants of...
Hussein Al-Tayy: Political researcher The Russian invasion of Ukraine affects the MENA region in three key fields: Political negotiations, military action, humanitarian assistance and food security, and oil and gas supplies have become clear that the multidimensional repercussions so far...
First Ellias - Researcher  The arrival of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi in Tehran on March 3 for discussions on Iran's nuclear program with Iranian atomic energy officials, after the discovery of particles of uranium enriched at a level close...
Marwan Salem Al-Ali: College of Political Science, University of Mosul Introduction The fallout from the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) or so-called "Silicon Valley" began to spread worldwide, the largest bank to go under since the global financial crisis...
Dr. Hadi mashaan Rabie- college of law and political science - Anbar University The first axis: the motives of the strategic partnership between the Gulf countries and Japan Since its inception at the beginning of the twentieth century, Gulf-Japanese relations have...
Khudair Abbas Al-Dahlaki - Postgraduate Student, Doctoral Programme in Public Policy, Al-Nahrin Community, Iraq. Introduction The corruption scandal in which several members of the European Parliament have been accused and found to be involved - the European media called "Qatargit" -...
 Ali Hussein al- Zubaidi-researcher China has been seeking to strengthen its relationship with sub-desert African countries through a realistic policy to achieve its ambition to dominate and establish a peaceful world order that encourages economic growth and stability, since it...
Ahmed Matar-researcher In October 2022, Japan unveiled a new national security plan that refers to the largest arming of the Japanese army since World War II, doubling defense spending and deviating from the peaceful road entrenched in its constitution, in...

