Regional and international affairs

Summary On June 10, 2020, the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States began at the level of technicians and experts, and it will end in August at a summit between the Iraqi Prime Minister and the US President. The strategic dialogue between...
 News is coming quickly about the five Iranian tankers loaded with high-octane gasoline headed towards the Venezuelan coast, Tehran’s trusted ally in Latin America, foretelling a new crisis between Iran and Venezuela and the United States of America on...
The United States of America called on Iraq for “a strategic dialogue". With no doubt the United States has an interest in Iraq, which may vary from an American administration to another, from time to time, but it does...
What are the prospects of Baghdad hauling the US administration before the United Nations? Several days ago, Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its disavowal and condemnation of the latest in a series of violations of Iraq’s sovereignty by US...
 Will Muhammad Allawi’s Government be hammered on the anvil of US pressure because of its possible rapprochement with Iran? Although the efforts by Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, the new Iraqi Prime Minister, to form a functioning government have so far been...
"It is a pleasure for me to speak to you this evening through our Omani radio. Our intention is to make sure that you closely know the government's plans and the steps it will take to achieve reassurance and...
US President Donald Trump has threatened to impose severe sanctions on Baghdad in response to the Iraqi parliament’s decision to remove US forces from Iraqi territory. According to the Washington Post reports, Trump said: “We will withdraw our forces...
During the past few days, Turkish forces have penetrated deep into Syrian territory, east of the Euphrates River, attacking Kurdish fighters, despite the US presence there. There is no miscalculation on the part of Turkey, since it is has...
Talib Jabbar Hassan, Ph.D. student, College of Political Science, University of Baghdad. Zainab Ghatah Nahedh, MA in Political Science, University of Baghdad. Greenland is the second-largest island in the world after Australia. It is an independent Danish region within the Kingdom...
Throughout history, lakes and rivers have given rise to civilizations along their banks or near to their shores. In today’s world, boundaries between nations have been drawn based on political treaties or as a result of conflicts and wars...

