Economics and development

The Index issued in 2020 includes (107) States disaggregated by the values of the indicators mentioned previously. The Index did not include countries for which data were not available, many high-income countries, countries with small populations, and non-independent regions. Overall,...
International watercourses are among the hottest issues on the international scene, Owing to the differences between the source and downstream States, the most notable of which are the disputes over the rivers in the Middle East region in general,...
The reduction of environmental pollution and climate change has been an issue of increasing international concern since the rise in the level of threat and hazards to life and human future on the planet, which has been exacerbated by...
State institutions, including the transport sector, have been drowned by severe financial crises affecting the country and declining levels of growth and construction, including the fall of the dictatorial regime in 2003 and the absence or weakness of financial...
Child mortality is an important indicator in assessing the social and health conditions of any society, noting that the survival of this age group (1-15) depends on the social and health conditions of their environment, in this sense, the...
The general budget was approved by the Iraqi Council of Representatives late this year, it was voted on 31 March 2021 with an estimated deficit of 28 trillion dinars for a balance of 129 trillion dinars Against total general...
The water problem in Iraq is a matter of multiple dimensions for the country's health and agricultural future, which is certainly reflected in its social reality as well as in its external relations with neighboring countries with which it...
To consider the dimensions of future changes and their economic and social consequences concerning Iraq's ability to achieve sustainable development goals and targets, three sustainable development scenarios have been developed in Iraq, 2021-2030, Between a directional scenario that assumes...
The housing problem in Iraq is worsening rapidly, in a country with a growth rate of 3% per year, and is largely concentrated in the capital, Baghdad, in the absence of official figures, or a population census that accurately...
The Economic Studies Section of AL-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning held a dialogue with the Prime Minister's Adviser on Finance the economy specialist Dr. Madah Mohamed Saleh. The dialogue included recent changes in the exchange rate in Iraqi...

