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    Economics and development

    The role of international organizations in supporting Iraq’s reforms in the White Paper

    Dr. Lujain Mustafa Ismail/ Ministry of Planning. Executive summary: The Iraqi economy reflects its heavy dependence on its oil sector over the course of many years, which has caused exacerbating problems, in addition to the many pressures that have been imposed on it as a result of the complex financial and...

    Financing higher education in the light of international experiences

    Ahmed Kudhaer Hussain The subject of financing higher education is the main entry point for the level of the education system, as a system that affects and is influenced by all relationships and interactions of the comprehensive education system. The issue of financing for education is therefore an important issue...

    The reality of the health sector in Iraq and ways to improve it (preliminary reading)

    Muqdam Al-Shaibani is a researcher in economic affairs and a member of the Iraqi Economists Association. The Iraqi health sector is of great importance because it is directly and affectively related to the wellbeing of Iraqi citizens, it provides health care to them, which is one of the basic human...

    Dynamic shifts in the global energy market and their impact on oil-rent countries (Iraq)

    Mohannad Ahmed Faraj / Imam Al-Kadhum University College. Several signs indicate that the global energy system has begun a process of transformation from total dependence on fossil energy sources, especially coal, oil, and natural gas, to a new era in which clean energy sources have an important impact in meeting...

    Iraq’s rank in the Global Health Security Index 2021

    Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science - University of Baghdad. The Global Health Security (GHS) Index is the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across the 195 countries that make up the States Parties to the International Health Regulations...

    The Effect of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on Iraq CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

    Hadeel Harbi Thari/ Ph.D. Researcher China launched the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, with a high pace of its economic growth, and a growing dependence on foreign markets, raw materials, fuel, and other resources from overseas; To complete its great economic achievements, which constituted a strategic entry point for it; In...

    Iraq in Human Development Index 2020

    The Human Development Index (HDI), is an index used to rank countries based on human development, the first to start with the Human Development Index was Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, in collaboration with Indian economist Amartya Sen, and British scientist Magand Desai. This Index began to emerge in...

    Improving Indicators of Financial Transparency and its Role in Expanding job opportunities in the Iraqi Economy

    Haneen Amer Ayeid Al-Qarghouli: researcher in international economic relations Financial transparency, which means the dissemination of information and data and ensuring their flow to combat corruption, has become an international requirement: to achieve political and economic stability, by knowing how citizens can manage public funds by those in possession of...

    Prospects for economic relations between Iran and Iraq

    Ali Najat Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are intertwined in their security, political and regional dimensions, while economic and trade relations are among the areas that bring the two neighboring countries together. Iraq became Iran’s most important trading partner after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by...

    The crisis of approving the 2022 budget in Iraq and its dimensions on development efforts

    Dr. Wejdan Faleh Hassan executive summary: It is not possible to continue implementing the instructions of the federal budget for the year 2021 during the fiscal year 2022 from a legal point of view; Because the budget law is valid for one year only. It is not possible to approve the budget,...