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    Social Studies

    Addiction in Iraq: Towards a new drug control strategy

    Bakr Khader Jassim al-Subaihi - researcher According to official statistics of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the number of persons arrested in 2021 was 11,789, of whom 328 were under age. Baghdad governorate came to the fore where (1933) the accused was arrested, followed by Basra (1871) and Babylon...

    Iraqi Youth: mobilization and Participation in Change

    Ahmed Khudair Hussein - Director of the Department of Social Studies and Research, Al-Bayan Centre Introduction: The magnitude of the social, political, and economic problems that young people are experiencing today and the oppression of political activists prompt many of them to mobilize through various means for social and economic change....

    Political Empowerment of minority women: A field study

    Hiyam Ali Al-Merhej - Researcher at Al-Bayan Center for Studies, Department of Women's Studies Introduction  Although minority women are subject to the social equations to which all other women in Iraq are subjected, they have certain specificities that affect their social and political status. It is therefore necessary to talk about...

    Iraqi Youth: Economic Determinants and main constraints

    Ahmed Khudair Hussein-director of the Department of social studies at Al Bayan Center for studies and planning. The economic determinants facing Iraqi youth are deepening to exacerbate political and social instability, heavy dependence on the economy of the supplier of oil revenues, inequality, distributive justice, misalignment between education outputs and...