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Security and military studies

The wounded of (Alhashd Alshaebii) between adjustment requirements and institutional rehabilitation

Youssef Alaa: Researcher Introduction Post-war nations face several challenges, some of which are tied to the value questions that led them to that war and its causes, however, confronting the challenge of war returnees with their psychosocial circumstances stands out as an important victory that must be addressed. Especially with those...

The resurgence of ISIS in Syria and its security implications for Iraq

Ali Najat - Writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. introduction The emergence and rise of the Islamic State in 2013 marked the beginning of a new jihadist era, as the group declared a far-reaching goal of establishing an Islamic state, or caliphate, based on intensely extremist...

Iraqi DefenceProcurement: Challenges, Reform, and Institutionalisation

Introduction The Iraqi state has faced a multitude of existential security challenges since the US-led invasion and subsequent occupation of 2003. Insurgency, sectarian violence, and most recently the threat of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Da’esh, have all contributed to a continued degradation of the security...

Military and security: (Variance of training with assignments)

Haider Abdul Murshed - researcher Introduction  The philosophy of security management in Iraq has always been hostage to the political mood; For the nature of the system and what it wants from the security establishment, protect the state or the incumbent? This confusion has negatively affected the composition of the security institutions...

ISIS-Affiliated Families: Case Assessment

Ahmed Qasim Meften - Director of the Research and Studies Department at the Ministry of Immigration. Key preface and methodological courses: Data and information obtained from monitoring the situation of the areas controlled by ISIS in the period 2014-2017 indicate that their residents are subject to the organization's procedures regarding the...

Soft power and its role in implementing the Iraqi counter-terrorism strategy

Amjad Zain Al-Abidin Tohme - Department of Political Studies at Al-Mustansiriya Center for Arab and International Studies The challenges and threats of non-traditional terrorism facing different countries of the world in general, and Iraq in particular, have escalated recently, coinciding with the increasing activities of groups that adopt terrorist and...

Determining The Nature of Threats in ISIS Sectors Inside Iraq Between the Years (2021-2022)

Shaheen Fawzy- Researcher specializing in counter-terrorism affairs This paper attempts to prepare an analytical tool to assess the nature of the threats that ISIS is trying to impose inside Iraqi territory, especially after the alarming increase in its operational activities and levels recently. The increase in these activities indicates a...

The Phenomenon of Child Recruitment in International Conflicts

Muhammad Karim al-Khaqani - academic and researcher in political affairs Recruiting children is a phenomenon that deserves attention because it represents a flagrant violation of the rights of that segment of society. Because of the danger of using them to influence opponents during the fighting, terrorist groups resort to using...

The Sinjar Dilemma: The PKK and Iraqi National Security

Dr. Firas Elias / Researcher Introduction It is no secret to anyone that the complex nature of the conflicts in the Sinjar district today. Some of them stem from the nature of the Iraqi internal reality, which is represented by the struggle for influence and control between the armed groups in...

The Future of Terrorist Organizations and the Repercussions of their Leaders’ Eliminations: ISIS as a model

Ali Najat: writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. Salafi-jihadi movements are based on strong and attractive leadership. A review of the history of Islamic movements in the last century in the Middle East and North Africa shows that the leadership factor, especially the charismatic leader,...