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    Economic Studies

    Oil and gas sector in Iraq: reality and solutions

    Ali Abd al-Rahim al-Abudi - Al-Nahrain University / College of Political Science - Department of Economic Relations Summary: Although Iraq is considered a major source of crude energy, it imports oil derivatives from abroad with a financial value estimated at more than 7% of the total public government expenditures. The amount of...

    Russian Shadow Tankers and Iraqi Oil Exports: Balancing Sanctions and Gaining a Share of the Asian Continent

    Ali Abdul-Kadhim Daadoush- Researcher on the Iraqi and International Economy Abstract: There are three systems of fleets for transporting crude oil and other petroleum products, including the White or legal fleet, which enjoys global acceptance and transparency in dealings between exporting and importing countries. The Gray and Dark fleets, constituting the...

    The creative economy and its importance in achieving sustainable development

    Nozad Abdul Rahman Al-Hiti - Professor of Political Economy - Diplomatic Institute -  Qatar Summary: At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world witnessed steady developments that talk about a new economy «creative economy», which is different from the traditional sectors that dominated the world in the last century. The creative...

    Youth Employment Policies in Iraq: Community Bribery or Practical Need

    Mustafa Al-Sarai - Department of Political Studies at the Bayan Center for Studies and Planning Hiam Ali Al-Marhaj - Department of Women's Studies at Al-Ban Center for Studies and Planning Introduction: Employment policies in Iraq in the field of the public sector suffer many problems and dialectics due to the general conditions...

    Turning climate change threats into opportunities

    Azzam Alloush - researcher Introduction In recent years, Iraq has witnessed frequent and escalating dust storms and increasing temperatures in Iraq and the region (3 to 5 degrees Celsius, compared to the 1960s). We have seen multiple droughts in the past two decades, and even snowfall and rainfall appear to be...