On June the 23rd 2016, the British public went to the polls to have their say on whether they wished the United Kingdom to remain part of the European Union or whether it should leave. In an outcome that shocked many observers, analysts, members of the public and politicians,...
Oil has often been described as part of the glue that holds Iraq together. And yet, few issues have proven more divisive to the fabric of the state since 2003 than those related to the management of the natural resource base and the distribution of the revenue accrued from...
As of the summer of 2016, Iraq is gradually winning its war against the Islamic State (IS). Major urban centres such as Ramadi and Fallujah have been liberated and the Iraqi security forces are slowly encircling Mosul, IS’ regional capital and the last major urban centre still in their...
As part of its policy to provide electricity to consumers, the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity has developed a plan to build gas stations for the production of electrical energy distributed over the provinces of Iraq, using different types of fuel to produce electricity: natural gas, gas oil, fuel oil...
Approximately 68% of the Tigris River basin revenues and 97% of the Euphrates River revenues flow in from outside Iraq (Turkey, Syria and Iran). As a result of the evolution use of water in those countries (by irrigation and storage projects), with the absence of mutual agreements that determine...
In order to adjust with changes that occur at the local, regional and global level, there is a need for fundamental changes in management within government institutions and studying means to offer these in benefit toward services and goods. This requires the adoption of a modern concept of administrative...
Cycles of oppressive government, poverty, nationalism, extremism, economic and political instability and ethno-sectarian violence in a geographic area of vague definition. These characteristics are only some of the terms commonly used to describe the Middle East and North Africa region today. However, a mere hundred years ago, these same...
Since its declaration of a Caliphate in 2014, the Islamic State (IS) has released a number of publications depicting children participating in rallies, undergoing training, undertaking combat operations and even executing prisoners. Armed groups exploiting children in warzones is nothing new and across Iraq and Syria, many factions have...
Since the fall of Mosul it has sometimes been said by Iraq’s detractors that there is no longer any such thing as the Iraqi security forces (ISF). This is clearly nonsense and those peddling this line are fully aware that it is nonsense. They are motivated by schadenfreude –...
Water draws special interest in research because it is the essence of life. Attention has grown in this subject, perhaps in anxiety about the future of water in our present time due to increased competition for its demand; whether within one country or between countries that share it. Studying...