Policy & Research Papers

Monuments and buildings are a physical connection to our past. They represent our history and through their public presence tell a story, which over time enshrines itself into our identity and our being.  As such, statues, monuments and heritage sites...
Once used by only a few countries around the world ,Sovereign Wealth Funds( SWF )are becoming an increasingly common feature of international finance†and state-led economic development .An increasing number of countries ,predominantly developing countries, who rely on the export of commodities such as...
Vision The entrenchment of corruption in Iraq’s state institutions - resulting from the legacy of the former regime and the absence of social justice, in addition to lack of transparency, nepotism, and sectarian quotas that have accompanied the lack...
Iraq’s higher education system can play an important role in fostering long-term economic development, peace and stability if efficient reform and funding policy are implemented for the university system. An effective university education could resolve Iraq’s economic, social, and...
Introduction There are potentially three provinces of thought or general frameworks that can, if we invest in them well, provide us with effective solutions and real successes in the face of extremist behaviour, culture and practice. These provinces deal with...
Iraq’s massive needs for reconstruction, after more than 35 years of conflict,  cannot be met by current revenues from its considerable hydrocarbon resources alone, and thus it needs to resort to debt to augment funding this reconstruction. However, discussions within...
“The history of international water treaties dates as far back as 2500 BC, when the two Sumerian city-states of Lagash and Umma crafted an agreement ending a water dispute along the Tigris River - often said to be the...
1. Introduction This report primarily concentrates on the oil sector in ‘federal’ Iraq, i.e. that outside the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). It can be read in conjunction with my earlier study for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES)...
Once viewed as having one of the most robust healthcare systems across the Middle East, the Iraqi healthcare system has experienced a steady decline since the late-1980s as a result of conflicts and the resultant economic troubles that have...
Russia has been seeking a more robust relationship with Iraq since the so-called Arab Spring started in 2011, eager to build on the remnants of what was once a strong Soviet-Iraqi alliance during the Cold War. The Kremlin’s appetite...

