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    Research Papers

    Iran and Iraq: The Search for Balance in Bilateral Relations in Light of the Iraqi borders and Political Forces Issues

    In describing the status-quo of the Iranian-Iraqi relations and the challenges and opportunities facing the two countries, it can be said that they both have many common strategic points. If they reach a particular stage, they can turn into strategic partners. However, both countries have many differences. This might...

    Reducing domestic violence

    Violence is one of the social problems facing societies, and the problems of violence are increasing markedly in societies for multiple reasons; Of which: Social, cultural, and economic causes. Domestic violence against women is a complex problem linked to many factors and variables, each of which has a clear...

    Electoral security

    In any election, the authorities take many steps; Ensure that voters, candidates, polling staff, observers, and other individuals participating in the elections do not experience any sense of fear or harm; for participation in the electoral process. To ensure that sensitive electoral materials are kept in a secure location,...

    Regulatory framework for disputed areas

    Since the fall of the Ba'ath Party regime in 2003, disputed areas, particularly Sinjar, under article No.140 of the Iraqi Constitution, Sinjar has been a point of dispute between the Central Government of Baghdad and Kurdistan Regional Government. which has negatively affected its economic and social progress, although it...

    Towards reforming the contractual system in Iraqi State institutions

    It’s been 17 years since the democratic system that ruled Iraq after the fall of the dictatorship. These 17 years have been marked by glitches and mistakes at all levels. One of the most distinctive features in the democratic systems is that they have flexibility towards reforms, which make...

    Deliberate environmental change in Iraq and its implications

    The world is experiencing accelerated environmental changes, rising rates of pollution from human behavior, and Iraq is not far away from this global climate change, either about rising temperatures, scarce rainfall, water shortages resulting from Turkish water policies, and neglect in Iraqi water policies. Although Iraq, like the rest of...

    Adjustment to the planned policy for the electrical network processing stability

    This research paper provides a glimpse into the subject of the poor supply of electricity in Iraq. This problem has turned into a real dilemma inherited by the last decades in the country. Despite the tens of billions of dollars invested in this sector, the research opens with a...

    Can Iraq help prevent the dangers of future genocide?

    ISIS invaded vast areas of northern Iraq in 2014 and was accompanied by unimaginable heinous acts committed against Yazidis. Yazidis are an ethnic and religious indigenous component that has inhabited Iraq for centuries. The Sinjar massacre of 3 August 2014 and the crimes committed against Yazidis included the murder...

    Enhancing Democratic Practices within Political Parties in Iraq

    Political parties represent the heart and soul of democracy, which is considered one of the best political systems in resolving conflicts by peaceful means and respecting political, social, and economic human rights. We wanted to build a democratic experience that could fulfill the aspirations of the Iraqi people after...

    Public sector reform “using outsourcing for some government services”

    Two people living in Iraq may not disagree on the poor level of services provided by the State to its citizens. Primarily because of the widespread financial and administrative corruption in many branches of the State, confirmed in the report of the Corruption Cognitive Index, an indicator of corruption...