Policy & Research Papers

It’s been 17 years since the democratic system that ruled Iraq after the fall of the dictatorship. These 17 years have been marked by glitches and mistakes at all levels. One of the most distinctive features in the democratic...
The world is experiencing accelerated environmental changes, rising rates of pollution from human behavior, and Iraq is not far away from this global climate change, either about rising temperatures, scarce rainfall, water shortages resulting from Turkish water policies, and...
This research paper provides a glimpse into the subject of the poor supply of electricity in Iraq. This problem has turned into a real dilemma inherited by the last decades in the country. Despite the tens of billions of...
ISIS invaded vast areas of northern Iraq in 2014 and was accompanied by unimaginable heinous acts committed against Yazidis. Yazidis are an ethnic and religious indigenous component that has inhabited Iraq for centuries. The Sinjar massacre of 3 August...
Political parties represent the heart and soul of democracy, which is considered one of the best political systems in resolving conflicts by peaceful means and respecting political, social, and economic human rights. We wanted to build a democratic experience...
Two people living in Iraq may not disagree on the poor level of services provided by the State to its citizens. Primarily because of the widespread financial and administrative corruption in many branches of the State, confirmed in the...
Iraq is experiencing severe security and political complications that have negatively affected the economic and social situation of the country, as it is noticed the expansion and spread of the phenomenon of begging, especially the child begging, during the...
It is not possible to talk about a democratic system in which power is transferred peacefully through the mechanism of elections by free vote, without the participation of political parties, and therefore it seems that the party system and...
Any objective view of the current US strategy towards Iraq should address the intellectual shifts and regional and international political changes that accompanied the crystallization of new visions for both the US foreign policy and strategy. Therefore, exposure to...
The devaluation of the national currency is a measure resorted to by the Central Bank to achieve several economic goals. Foremost is improving the trade balance and supporting the growth of productive economic sectors that suffer from foreign product...

