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    Research Papers

    The development dimension of the privatization of the educational sector in Iraq

    A law regulating employment and investment in the educational sector was introduced after 2003. Nevertheless, there seems to be an absence of strategy, vision, and perception in dealing with the privatization of the educational sector and its investors and defining the roles assigned to them, as well as facilities...

    The water crisis in Iraq

    International watercourses are among the hottest issues on the international scene, Owing to the differences between the source and downstream States, the most notable of which are the disputes over the rivers in the Middle East region in general, and the rivers in question in particular, Iraq's water resources...

    Manipulation methods and means of fraud threaten early elections

    The upcoming legislative elections, scheduled to take place on 10th October 2021, are the most mysterious electoral experiment since the first elections in early 2005, for several reasons relating to its new law, which has never been applied in Iraq, the conditions for the formation of the Independent High...

    Reducing environmental pollution and climate change

    The reduction of environmental pollution and climate change has been an issue of increasing international concern since the rise in the level of threat and hazards to life and human future on the planet, which has been exacerbated by the rapid and dramatic expansion of the ozone hole in...

    The Solid Alliance!… The balance of tenor and power between Syria and Iran

    When the Syrian war broke out in March 2011, Iran was almost the only country on which Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could rely with great security and confidence. Iran has entered Syria based on critical and sensitive assessments of the demands and loathes of the war. The main title...

    Moral factors and their impact on the measurement of State power

    The study highlights the measurement and analysis of the moral factors of Iraq and its neighboring States, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of those factors, and thus to rank them and compare them with each other, depending on some official data and indicators, to get results that would...

    Iraq in the World Freedom Index 2021

    Since 1973, Freedom House has evaluated the state of political and civil rights worldwide, and its Global Freedoms Index is regularly used by policymakers, journalists, academics, activists, and many others. Freedom House classifies people's access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 States and territories through its annual Freedom...

    The financial crisis and its impact on transportation companies. Constraints and solutions

    State institutions, including the transport sector, have been drowned by severe financial crises affecting the country and declining levels of growth and construction, including the fall of the dictatorial regime in 2003 and the absence or weakness of financial support by successive Governments in the formations of the Ministry...

    Introduction to the educational E-service portal (E-Okul) in Turkey

    The education system in various countries of the world operates in different forms and different ways. In recent years, this training has been linked to the Internet and digital systems. The share of electronic and digital activities in education is increasing each year. schools and universities use these facilities...

    Sustainable development and the requirements of the rule of law

    The Arab States are undergoing a fundamental phase of transformation not only at the political, political systems, and constitutional levels but also at the community and social levels, as well as at the institutional and legal levels. Wars and conflicts, whether internal or civil or external aggression and international wars...