Policy & Research Papers

Cultural and educational realities in Governments and political systems are no secret to the fact that translation is an important area that plays an essential role in cultural exchange and cultural interaction among peoples. Cultural exchange and cultural interaction...
Executive summary: -        The dilemma in Iraq is that everyone understands the importance of economic reform, which from the political elites to the voters, but the electoral market does not welcome the parties that work to implement economic reform very...
The Press Freedom Index is an annual country ranking carried out by Reporters Without Borders and published based on the organization's assessment of the press freedom log in each country. The report is based on a questionnaire sent to...
The Middle East, known as the hottest and most tense region in the world, has witnessed the formation of three United States-led international alliances in the early years of the current century, intending to combat terrorism and confront destabilizing...
Reconciliation with the environment is the fundamental task of all humankind in the twenty-first century, and this needs to be the highest priority for all around the world. The destruction and degradation of nature must be reversed through the...
Despite the growing recognition of the importance of youth in the world today, little is known about the current state of youth development, and measuring youth well-being remains a challenge, the World Youth Development Index. (YDI), prepared by the...
A number of elections held in the Arab States since the autumn of last year have registered a marked decline in the participation rate; This suggests that there was an electoral reluctance that spread so rapidly that it became...
The draft law on elections to the Council of Representatives was approved by the Council of Ministers on the date of the 12th November 2019 and submitted to the Council of Representatives. Another project had been prepared by the...
The establishment of the Iraqi army was preceded by the official establishment of Iraq. The regiment of Imam Musa Al-Kazim, the core of the Iraqi army, was formed early in 1921 at the time of the formation of the...
Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran received the largest number of Western tourists among its neighbor countries. About 700,000 tourists visited the west of the country a year before the 1979 revolution, but after the revolution, this situation changed completely...

