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    Iraq oil-for-Iranian gas exchange deal: Reading on economic consequences under US dollar conversion restrictions

    Ahmed Jassim Al-Yasiri/Faculty of Administration and Economics - University of Kufa Summary Iraq imports electricity and gas from Iran, which totals between a third and (40%) of its energy supply, particularly in the hot summer months when temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius, which reaches peak energy consumption. Iraq is having trouble paying...

    Party action in Iraq to where?

    Khudair Abbas Al-Dahlaki - PhD Program - Al-Nahrin University. introduction First of all, it must be confirmed. that dealing with this issue is based on national motivations and a sense of responsibility in criticizing the mechanisms of party action in Iraq. Iraq is one of the first countries in the Arab...

    Protests Crisis in France: Causes and Dimensions

    Khudair Abbas Al-Dahliki - A researcher specializing in European far-right parties. Introduction This paper examines the crisis of protests that engulfed most French cities following the killing of the Algerian youth "Nael Al-Murzouqi" at the hands of a French police officer. It discusses the measures taken toward the protesters, the positions...

    Resumption of Iranian-Egyptian relations; Pathways, incentives, and complexities

    Ali Najat - writer and academic researcher, specializing in Middle East affairs Introduction Iran-Egypt relations have experienced many complications and fluctuations over the past decades, with patterns ranging from cooperation, competition, and conflict, sometimes to the point of complete diplomatic estrangement according to internal, regional, and international events that determine the...

    African Initiatives to Resolve the Sudanese Crisis

    Ali Saadi Abdul Zahra - University of Al-Nahrain - College of Law Introduction: Since the beginning of the Sudanese crisis, there have been various regional and international initiatives to resolve the issue. However, most of these initiatives have failed to achieve their intended results due to the intransigence of the conflicting...

    Biden’s Doctrine and the Middle East

    Khaled Hashem - researcher Introduction: Since US President Joe Biden came to power at the White House on 20/1/2021, the case for defining his foreign policy principle has not been interrupted. Some viewed his policy as an extension of that of former President Barack Obama where Biden was part of his...

    Postal Voting and Increasing Voter Participation: Successful Experiences and Lessons Learned in Iraq

    Abdelaziz Aliwi Al-Issawi - researcher Introduction: Some countries have adopted postal voting as a means to increase voter participation, overcome obstacles faced on election day, and boost voter turnout. Among these countries are the United States, a well-established democracy, as well as Switzerland, Canada, Estonia, and others, which believe that...

    Turkish turning westward: (NATO’s Vilnius 2023 summit)

    Imad Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policy/Al-Nahrin University. Introduction:  From Tuesday, 11 July 2023, to Wednesday, 12 July 2023, the NATO leaders summit was held in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, with the participation of 31 Leaders of NATO Member States as its most important decision to continue s presence in...

    Chinese-Saudi relations: Strategic vision and mutual benefits

    Mustafa AlDarraji - researcher China's interest in the Middle East is recent compared to the major powers, with the first Chinese diplomatic relations with the Middle East dating back to the late 19th century, although there have been historical trade relations since ancient times, this has not been the case...

    Addiction in Iraq: Towards a new drug control strategy

    Bakr Khader Jassim al-Subaihi - researcher According to official statistics of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the number of persons arrested in 2021 was 11,789, of whom 328 were under age. Baghdad governorate came to the fore where (1933) the accused was arrested, followed by Basra (1871) and Babylon...