Sheikh Abdul Mehdi Al-Karbalaei My brothers, my sisters…  I bring to your attention the following two matters:-  First Matter:  Reform of the government system in the country requires the adoption of the principle of efficiency, experience and integrity in employment of official jobs...
Sayyed Ahmad Al-Safi My brothers, my sisters… I bring to your attention the following three matters:- First Matter: The great victories achieved by the heroes of the Armed Forces, the volunteers and sons of the noble tribes in recent battles must receive careful...
Sheikh Abdul Mehdi Al-Karbalaei My brothers, my sisters… Peace to all of you from the All-Merciful and forgiving God and His mercy and blessings.  I bring to your attention the following matters:- First Matter: Tomorrow will mark the commemoration of Imam Hussein (as), members...
The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) is chaired and represented by the High Representative, who embodies a unified, common voice for otherwise disparate EU member states. The High Representative is assisted by the European External Action Service (EEAS), a structurally and financially independent arm which ensures consistency across...
Sayyed Ahmad Al-Safi My brothers, my sisters… I bring to your attention the following two matters:- First Matter: For the past several days, our dear personnel from the Armed Forces, sons of our heroic tribes and volunteers have been engaged in fierce battles...
Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbalai  My brothers and sisters, I bring to your attention the following three matters: First Matter: Our brothers and sons in the Armed Forces and those who support them from the volunteers to the noble tribes are still fighting...
The civil war in Syria has exceeded its fourth year, as the conflict continues bloodier, crueller and destructive than before. No indications in the horizon to the Syrians and the world, the fate of things in the country, and...
Sayyed Ahmad Al-Safi My brothers, my sisters… I bring to your attention the following three matters:- First Matter: The battle being waged by Iraq against terrorists by its Armed Forces, volunteers and noble tribes, is, as we said previously mentioned, a battle of...
Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbalai   My brothers and sisters, I bring to your attention the following matters: First Matter: Fighting Daesh still represents a major priority for all Iraqis, because its results directly affect their present and shapes their future. Thus, sustaining...
Seyyed Ahmed Al-Safi My brothers and sisters, I bring to your attention the following three matters: First Matter: Once again, the Daesh terrorism hit areas of our beloved capital, Baghdad, and dozens of innocent people fell victims to the sectarian hatred of...

