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    Iraq’s Water Crisis Challenges and Solutions

    For several years now, the Middle East, and particularly Iraq, has been suffering from a dire water crisis, compounded by the decrease in water quantities from rivers flowing from upstream to downstream countries. Iraq has been severely affected by this; as there are no alternative sources of water commensurate...

    The Global War of the Ports and its impact on Iraq

    By Zuhair Jum’a Al-Maliki When the Chinese Admiral Zheng He launched his expeditionary fleet of 62 ships in the fifteenth century AD, he could not have imagined that the seven trips he undertook would provide the inspiration for a new war at the beginning of the second millennium. These expeditions...

    Electoral competition in Iraq: Addressing the pros and cons

    Each electoral cycle, thousands of people in Iraq, including those with little chance of winning, announce their candidacy to run in the elections. 9043 candidates competed for 328 seats in the previous parliamentary election of 2014, which represents about 27 times the number of available seats. This ratio is...

    Trump’s Declaration on Jerusalem

    Al Quds or Jerusalem is a city that captivates you with its beauteous majesty, splendour, and heritage. It has a special place in the hearts of Muslims; its land is holy, and blessed in texts of the Holy Quran. In it lies the Al Aqsa Mosque, the second mosque...

    Saudi-Turkish Rivalry and Media Confrontation

    Those who follow closely Saudi and Turkish media these days will witness an intense “undeclared” war of words between the two countries, triggered initially by the change in Turkey's policy of hostility towards Russia in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt of July 2016, and subsequently carried forward...

    Addressing Performance of Provincial Councils Through Electoral Reform

    The electoral system of provincial councils is based on proportional system, which enables many parties to win seats in proportion to their vote share, leading to politically unstable councils. Furthermore, each province is one electoral district, which weakens the dimension of accountability. These two aspects inhibit the ability of...

    Friday Prayer Sermon in Imam Hussain’s Holy Shrine

    Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi Al-Karbalai  Dear Brothers and Sisters, A few days ago, it was officially announced the liberation of the last part of the Iraqi territory from the control of the terrorist organization, and on this occasion, we have the following comment: Noble Iraqis, after more than three years of fierce fighting,...

    Report: Iraq gas imports from Iran exceed 1.2 billion cubic meters

    Iraq began importing gas from Iran in late June 2017 from the oil refinery at Shahr. Iraq has so far - as the most recent buyer of Iranian gas – imported 1.2 billion cubic meters of gas through Iran’s pipeline to Baghdad; thus, Iraq is the second largest buyer...

    Reforming the Electoral System in Iraq: A Detailed Assessment

    The electoral system in Iraq has become a controversial issue that has driven demonstrators to call for major reforms to the electoral commission and the electoral law. Last month, parliament approved the new commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) but the current debates center on whether to...

    Oman Positions on the Regional Crises

    The Middle East region has faced monumental challenges in recent times. It all started with the political upheavals in Iraq in 2003, affecting as it did the various economic, political and security spheres, and which some observers believe gradually spread into neighbouring countries of the region; leaving in their...