The United States of America called on Iraq for “a strategic dialogue". With no doubt the United States has an interest in Iraq, which may vary from an American administration to another, from time to time, but it does...
Will the region soon witness renewed Kurdish in-fighting as a result of the recent incursions by Turkey? The recent airstrikes by Turkish warplanes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in the Zeni Warte area coincided with the Kurdistan regional government's...
Dr. Mazen Al Aboudi, Ph.D. Geology – Expert at Alnajah Center For Training & Development. Everyone might agree on describing the Iraqi economy as a rentier economy (The first man to use the term rentier economy as a form of...
With the spread of the coronavirus globally, many countries around the world face several challenges in the absence of any looming solutions so far. Economies are the most affected by this virus that led to restrict the movement and...
What are the prospects of Baghdad hauling the US administration before the United Nations? Several days ago, Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its disavowal and condemnation of the latest in a series of violations of Iraq’s sovereignty by US...
 Will Muhammad Allawi’s Government be hammered on the anvil of US pressure because of its possible rapprochement with Iran? Although the efforts by Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, the new Iraqi Prime Minister, to form a functioning government have so far been...
Man, who several centuries ago had imagined that the discovery of scientific laws would give him undisputed mastery over nature and with it lay bare all the secrets and mysteries of the world, today finds his life threatened by...
Dr. Iman Abdel Halim, Researcher at the Diplomatic Center for Strategic Studies, Egypt The killing of the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Major General Qassim Soleimani, on Iraqi soil by American forces caused widespread anger...
Many say that in the long run, the US will need the oil of the Middle East to compensate for the depletion of crude oil reserves in its production centers. In contrast, the current volume of its consumption and...
"It is a pleasure for me to speak to you this evening through our Omani radio. Our intention is to make sure that you closely know the government's plans and the steps it will take to achieve reassurance and...

