To consider the dimensions of future changes and their economic and social consequences concerning Iraq's ability to achieve sustainable development goals and targets, three sustainable development scenarios have been developed in Iraq, 2021-2030, Between a directional scenario that assumes...
The establishment of protected areas is a global approach that supports nature conservation and is found in all countries of the world inland and marine areas. Conservation of nature is essential for the future of humanity by ensuring the...
The fundamental role of education in the life of any nation and the strengthening of the power of the State is well known. Education provides it with everything it needs to build its strength and the durability of its...
The announcement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in April 2011 of his country's intention to move beyond legal and environmental concerns to drill a parallel channel to the Bosphorus Strait linking the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea...
Some pieces of the literature suggest that citizens' confidence in a particular system means that there is consistency with their expectations and visions, Citizens who show confidence are more in compliance with the laws, decisions, and initiatives of the...
The media and Communications Authority has faced an important transformation, particularly after 2003, having been affected by the variables of the political and social environments, as well as problems and legal frameworks relating to press work in Iraq, In...
The crisis of political participation among young people depends upon the refusal to register in electoral regulations and vote in elections, it goes beyond not being involved in political parties, it ends with the use of non-institutional methods, such...
The economic challenges facing Iraq have accumulated in recent years, leading to an economic crisis that has left Iraq in need of cash liquidity other than those provided by oil sales, especially in the face of unstable oil prices,...
The Iraqi economy, the public sector, and political stability face various challenges, such as corruption, the rent economy, unemployment, political violence and education in general, or illiteracy in particular, as a result of all these factors, adult illiteracy in...
The housing problem in Iraq is worsening rapidly, in a country with a growth rate of 3% per year, and is largely concentrated in the capital, Baghdad, in the absence of official figures, or a population census that accurately...

