The Arab States are undergoing a fundamental phase of transformation not only at the political, political systems, and constitutional levels but also at the community and social levels, as well as at the institutional and legal levels. Wars and conflicts,...
Cyberspace exerts its influence in various spheres of life, including in the area of security. Cyberspace, through its various tools, contributes to the redrawing of the local and global security dimension and reshapes the political and security awareness and...
Electricity plays an important role in the economic development of most economies in the world. Ensuring their availability and stability is a requirement for any real economic growth. Without it, no industrial progress and rapid growth can be achieved...
Child mortality is an important indicator in assessing the social and health conditions of any society, noting that the survival of this age group (1-15) depends on the social and health conditions of their environment, in this sense, the...
The upcoming legislative elections, which are expected to take place on 10 October 2021, are the most difficult to expect because they will be held under a new electoral law that divides the provinces into multiple constituencies that have...
More than 194 million people around the world are addicted to drugs, andabout 40 million people are addicted to (khat), mostly in Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Kenya, the drugs crisis does not stop on its direct effects on...
Global indicators in various areas are instruments for measuring the status of States, political, security, economic, social, cultural, etc. at the global level; This prompts many States to raise their levels in those indicators, countries at advanced levels in...
The general budget was approved by the Iraqi Council of Representatives late this year, it was voted on 31 March 2021 with an estimated deficit of 28 trillion dinars for a balance of 129 trillion dinars Against total general...
The government is working with determination to hold elections by the deadline of 10 October 2021, as a basic commitment, and the President of the Republic publicly supports this trend through multiple statements, and some political forces have already...
The water problem in Iraq is a matter of multiple dimensions for the country's health and agricultural future, which is certainly reflected in its social reality as well as in its external relations with neighboring countries with which it...

