Faisal Abdullatif Yassin/researcher Population inflation and the steady increase in the number of births are among the most difficult challenges that may face any country in the world, especially in developing countries. Which often suffers from structural political, security, and...
Ali Najat / writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. Iranian-Saudi relations have witnessed many ups and downs since the victory of the revolution in 1979 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran, and...
Mays Bassem Ismail/ Banker - Master of Banking Sciences Executive Summary: (Basel III): A reflection or reaction to the global mortgage crisis that struck the world in 2008, which was one of the most important reasons for banks to increase...
Dr. Adnan Yassin Mustafa/ Professor of Development Sociology - University of Baghdad Introduction The major health challenges throughout history have invaded societal and institutional structures, and caused social, economic, environmental, and political losses. They threatened all developed and developing countries of...
The shared Iraqi-Iranian border is known to be wide and fraught with dangers. As different historical eras folded, full of disputes and convulsions. But today is the time to zero in on the controversial points, narrow the circle of...
Dr. Mustafa Al-Daraji / Researcher The establishment of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf came as an expression of the historical, social and cultural commonalities that unite its countries. The GCC countries are distinguished by the...
Nour Al-Huda Bassem Ismail - researcher in legal accounting The reserve guarantee is one of the guarantees approved by Iraqi law in commercial papers, and it is one of the most frequent and widespread guarantees in practice. This is due...
Haider Abdel-Murshed – Researcher Introduction: It is not possible to talk about national security in isolation from the idea of the state, its political system, and its operations as a whole. National security is the comprehensive characteristic of everything related to...
Russull Karim Nasser / Researcher in Business Economics Executive Summary: With no consumer protection in financial services and no data privacy laws, it is difficult to gain the trust of customers due to their fear of hacking and fraud. AI has had...
Aqeel Saeed Mahfoud - Researcher and Academic. Introduction: What is happening in the Syrian Jazira region (also known as Upper Mesopotamia) and northern Iraq in terms of a series of political and military events makes the regional event more “uncertain” and...

