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    Klicdaroglu, betting on a losing horse: (CHP missed opportunity)

    Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policy/Faculty of Political Science - Al-Nahrin University introduction: On the date of 14/5/2023, the Turkish elections were held simultaneously with a public participation rate approaching (89%), to occupy the seats of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (the legislature), in which the ruling...

    Al-Bayan Center launches a book on Iraq’s trajectories in facing population growth

    Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning has launched a book on population policy in Iraq, titled "The Settled Society and the Dynamic Society: Iraq's Trajectories in Facing Population Growth." The launch event and seminar were attended by specialists, policymakers, researchers, and academics interested in the subject. During the seminar, Dr....

    Effective waste management policies: a vision of challenges and solutions

    Saif Diaa Dair - graduate student in the Ph.D. program at Al-Nahrin University Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policy and Sustainable Development at Al-Nahrin University introduction: The problem of pollution and waste has aroused human interest since the very beginning of civilization on Earth. The Mesopotamian civilization and the...

    Iraq Development Road Project: Diplomatic Stakes with Strategic and geopolitical dimensions

     Faras Abbas Hashem - Basra University/Faculty of Law Introduction: At the outset, Iraq became aware of the need to develop new visions of ideas that would frame its position on geopolitical changes in the current regional and international environment. and constitutes an impetus that can be based on the orientations of...

    Lukashenko symbolism: What is the secret to Belarus mediation’s success in settling Prijogen’s “adventure”?

    Ammar Yassin - researcher in peace and conflict studies in an act that can be described as an incalculable adventure; Yevgeny Prijovin, commander of the unofficially recognized semi-regular Wagner Group and strongly involved in Russia's extended military operation in Ukraine, By ratcheting up operationally and not just criticizing Russia's military...

    Resumption of Iran-Saudi relations and their regional implications

    Ali Nejat - Writer and academic researcher, Middle East specialist Introduction: Saudi-Iranian relations were very tense; Because of political and sectarian differences throughout history, even in the past three decades, the relations has been cut twice. Diplomatic relations were first severed in 1987, after the Mecca incident, and for the second...

    The Dilemma of environmental pollution: Causes and Confrontation Options

    Ahmed Khudair Hussein, Department of Social Studies, Al Bayan Center for Studies and Planning Background: The dilemma of environmental pollution is associated with the misuse and depletion of environmental resources in an irregular manner so that they lose balance and increase their risks to the ecosystem in all its forms (air,...

    Anbar on the brink of Serious Political Conflict: Zero Confrontation, Partisan Settling Scores

    Alaa al-Hamdani/Iraqi researcher The political conflict in Anbar Province is no longer hidden in the light of attempts to find a new political alternative from the secret to the open and the emergence of former political leaders in large mass forums to announce the emergence of a political alliance opposed...

    Al-Bayan Center launches the third issue of “Al-Bayan Observatory”

    Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies launched the second issue of the “Al-Bayan Observatory” periodical, which specializes in monitoring issues and publications of the leading international think tanks regarding Iraqi affairs. The issue includes titles published in May of 2023 for studies and research papers issued by think tanks in...

    Possible Recycling of solid household waste in Iraq

    Rola Abdul Al Khader Abbas, University of Technology - Department of Applied Sciences/Medical and Industrial Materials Science Branch Abdulhameed Raheem Mahdi Al-sarraf, Baghdad University/Ibn Al-Haytham College of Education/Department of Physics Summary: The spread of the random and irregular housing system, as well as the inability to control waste disposal systems, leads to...