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    Opinion articles

    Reactions on The Iranian Twitter Platform About Iraq

    Muhammad Rahbari is an academic, researcher, and doctoral student in sociology (Ph.D. candidate in Political Sociology) at Allameh Tabataba’i University Hadi Sefri is an academic, social media analyst, and master’s student at the University of Tehran. What were the reactions of the Twitter users in Iran towards Iraq in the past year? The rapprochement...

    Shifts in The Sunni Arena, Scenarios for The Change in The Political Map

    Introduction The Sunni political arena has witnessed rapid developments in the past weeks, after the return of the former political figures -who were wanted by the law- (Rafi al-Issawi and Ali Hatem al-Suleiman) to the Anbar Governorate; In a move that was understood as an attempt to limit the role...

    Critical Policies… The Repercussions of the Ukrainian Crisis on Syria, The Perspective of Threat – Opportunity

    Aqeel Saeed Mahfoud Syria was almost the only country that declared its support for the Russian “military operation” in Ukraine, since its first day, while the Syrian opposition called on the West to respond to Russia in Syria, and asked it for support with money and weapons against Damascus. A...

    Iraq’s Shiites: The difficult choice for the president of the republic

    Hamid Redha Ibrahimi / Journalist specializing in the affairs of the Arab world and the Middle East Introduction: The 2021 elections have changed the compass of the political equation in Iraq to a large extent. As it turned the scales of decision-making in the favor of previously marginalized forces, bringing them...

    Iraq’s rank in the Global Firepower Index 2022

    Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. Global Firepower GFP has provided a unique analysis of data on 140 modern military forces since 2006. The GFP rating is based on each country's potential ability to wage war over land, sea, and...

    Prospects for Economic Reform in Iraq

    Dr. Muhannad Hamid Mahidi/University of Anbar. Executive Summary: There is shortsightedness in the Iraqi state, as its intervention in economic life through expansionary fiscal policy has increased significantly since the change in 2003, and thus the state has moved away from the supposed corrective role. The new role of the international financial...

    The war and its impact on the Ukrainian political system: the possibilities of survival and decline

    Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi/ researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. The sudden Russian attack on Ukraine (although it was the most dangerous it has faced since World War II), but it does not represent the first crisis to strike the country, which has gone through several tremors throughout its...

    The war and its impact on the Ukrainian political system: the possibilities of survival and decline

    Dr. Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi / researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies The sudden Russian attack on Ukraine (although it was the most dangerous it has faced since World War II), but it does not represent the first crisis to strike the country, which has gone through several tremors...

    Iraq’s rank in the Global Women Peace and Security Index 2021-2022

    Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. The WPS Index is published by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The third edition of...

    Iraqi Society and the Complexities of Federalism

    Dr. Sahar Harbi Abdul-Amir/ Senior Political Adviser at the Iraqi Ministry of Education.          The choice of the system of government in any country must be a natural product of the movement of society, keeping pace with its requirements and gradual with its history, otherwise, there will be no great...