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    Opinion articles

    Electricity generation in Iraq … Problems and solutions

    Introduction Meeting energy needs in a manner that achieves security for Iraq has become a major source of concern for the electricity sector in the country; with the industry claiming that it lacks the capacity to meet current peak demand, especially with production running at about 50% of the country’s...

    Private Schools – The solution to Iraq’s Education Crisis?

    Sixty per cent of Iraq’s population today is under the age of 25and the country is under pressure to provide educational opportunities for this ever growing number of young people, who are looking to build their lives despite persisting difficulties following the years of wars and sanctions. An enthusiasm for...

    The Effects of the Turkish Currency Plunge

    The escalating dispute between the United States and Turkey has strained ties between the two NATO members to a point not seen since 1974, when Turkish forces invaded Northern Cyprus, which pushed relations to the verge of collapse.  The current crisis in Turkey is due to a number of factors,...

    Iranian Economy following the Withdrawal of the United States from the Nuclear Deal

    As the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the overthrow of the monarchy in 1979 approaches, Iranians will face the beginnings of a new economic era, as the U.S imposed sanctions on Iranian economy  on August 6, 2018. Economists point out that the...

    Iraq Foreign Policy amidst Regional Interactions

    Iraq foreign policy has been more balanced recently due to the new government attitudes towards the regional strategic environment, which has been affecting the security and stability of Iraq adversely. The new balanced attitudes of Iraq foreign policy have positively isolated Iraq from regional crises and conflicts, on the...

    Election of Kurdistan Parliament

    The 2005 Iraqi Constitution granted the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) a package of legislative and executive powers. Kurdistan Parliament enjoys legislative power to enact regional laws that cover several areas, such as health, education, security, agriculture, economy, and others. It is democratically elected each four years; the next election...

    Prospects for strategic partnership between Iraq and NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - is a strategic intergovernmental military alliance with considerable global leverage by virtue of its strategic strengths and capabilities, as well as, the military capabilities of its 29 member states, mainly the United States. NATO has been involved in many counterterrorism operations...

    Assessing Iran’s intentions regarding the closure of the Strait of Hormuz

    The embargo to be placed on the export of Iranian oil has elicited different reactions from countries that are hostile to Tehran and those which maintain relations with it; a matter that carries with it serious implications for trade in the Middle East and further afield, in Europe and...

    Effective tools for combating terrorism in Iraq

    Ali Ziad al Ali, researcher specialising in international and strategic affairs. Understanding thenature of recent terrorist threats that rose in some of the northern and eastern parts of the countryis very important for the fight against Daesh, as they have the potential to threatthe security gains achieved bythe military victory...

    Unpassed Laws: Ramifications and Mechanisms to Expediate Their Passage in the Next Parliamentary Round

    Preface Laws regulate the functions of the state and determine the nature of the relationship between its institutions and society at large. They provide the basis for achieving justice and equality among individuals and define the mutual rights and obligations between the state, its citizens and residents. Laws protect the...