News Page 9


Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning hosted, in its office in Baghdad, the French Agency for Development (AFD) to discuss the opportunities for cooperation and partnership in the economic development sector. In the expanded meeting, Al-Bayan center was represented by...
Al-Bayan Center hosts the British “Save the Children” organization Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning hosts in its headquarters, Baghdad, the delegation of the British “Save the Children” organization to discuss the framework of partnership and cooperation between the two...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning have held a symposium entitled “Post- October: Can emerging movements turn the scales?” The symposium included hosting three speakers from three emerging movements preparing to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections: Salah Al-Arabawi – National...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning presented the preliminary results of a research study on the health security situation in Iraq. Ahmed Khudair, the researcher, presented the results of the study, pointing out that "the long crisis that Iraq has...
Al-Bayan Center hosts The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning, in Baghdad, hosted a delegation of the German organization (GIZ) to discuss economic policies in Iraq. The meeting was attended by Dr. Ali Taher Al-Hammood...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies held a seminar entitled " What's After October: Can emerging movements tip the scales?" The seminar included the hosting of three speakers from three emerging movements preparing to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections: Salah...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies in the capital, Baghdad, hosted a delegation from the French Development Agency, AFD, to examine opportunities for cooperation and partnership in the economic development sector. Dr. Ali Taher Alhammood and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies presented the preliminary results of a research study on the reality of health security in Iraq. The results of the study were presented by the researcher Ahmed Khudayir, noting that "the long crisis in...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning in Baghdad, hosted the delegation of the German organization GIZ to discuss economic policies in Iraq. Dr. Ali Taher Alhammood and Ahmed Hathal of Al-Bayan Center attended the meeting, while Mr. Friedmut Abel led...
In its office in Baghdad, Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning hosted the Italian Mission, Un Ponte Per, to discuss the possibility of cooperation and partnership in confronting extremism and terrorism issues, as one of the most complex issues...

