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    Al-Bayan Center hosts the French Development Agency AFD (Agence française de développement)

    Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies in the capital, Baghdad, hosted a delegation from the French Development Agency, AFD, to examine opportunities for cooperation and partnership in the economic development sector. Dr. Ali Taher Alhammood and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani of Al-Bayan Center, while the French agency represented by both;...

    Preliminary findings of a research study regarding the health security in Iraq

    Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies presented the preliminary results of a research study on the reality of health security in Iraq. The results of the study were presented by the researcher Ahmed Khudayir, noting that "the long crisis in Iraq for years has weakened the country's ability to respond...

    Al-Bayan Center hosts the German organization GIZ

    Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning in Baghdad, hosted the delegation of the German organization GIZ to discuss economic policies in Iraq. Dr. Ali Taher Alhammood and Ahmed Hathal of Al-Bayan Center attended the meeting, while Mr. Friedmut Abel led the German organization's delegation, to discuss the repercussions of the...

    Al Bayan Center hosts the Italian Mission Un Ponte Per

    In its office in Baghdad, Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning hosted the Italian Mission, Un Ponte Per, to discuss the possibility of cooperation and partnership in confronting extremism and terrorism issues, as one of the most complex issues that emerged after the liberation of the country from extremist...

    Workshop: “capacity Build of youth researchers in writing policy papers and research papers”

    Research and studies guide political leaders and policymakers Toward taking decisions or steps that improve policy performance in Iraq. In this context, Al Bayan center for studies and planning organized a training workshop for two days on capacity-building for researchers' young people in writing research papers and policy papers. It...

    Seminar on domestic violence law in Iraq

    Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning organized a seminar to present the results of a recent study by the center dealing with the issue of domestic violence in Iraq. which the center discussed with representatives of civil society organizations, research centers, community police and other groups, and while the...

    Al-Bayan Center participates in series of discussions in Germany on economic reform

    Al-Bayan Center participated in a week-long series of meetings and discussions in Germany hosted by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). The Iraqi delegation was composed of economists from government ministries, academics and specialists in public policy. Discussions explored Germany’s experience in economic development and strategies for how...

    Al-Bayan Center meets with European Union Assistance Mission (EUAM)

    Al-Bayan Center hosted the political advisor to the European Union Assistance Mission (EUAM), Dr. Paolo Foradori, to discuss political developments in Iraq and the ongoing challenges of building functional and accountable state institutions. Discussions also explored ways to advance cooperation between Al-Bayan Center and the EUAM in order to facilitate...

    Al-Bayan Centre participates in a programme of economic and political dialogue in the Federal Republic of Germany

    Within the framework of enhancing the external and influential role played by research and study centres, al-Bayan Centre for Planning and Studies participated in a programme of economic and political dialogue over the period 12th– 18thMay, 2019 in the Federal Republic of Germany as part of a high-level official...

    Al-Bayan Center discusses developments in Iraq with diplomatic missions

    Al-Bayan Center hosted meetings with representatives from diplomatic missions in Iraq to exchange views about the ongoing developments and challenges in the country. The Center met with Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy, Mr. Jochen Möller, and Deputy Head of Mission at the Dutch Embassy, Ambassador Eric...